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[25] Shunda Qiao, Yanchen Qu, Yufei Ma, Ying He, Yao Wang, Yinqiu Hu, Xin Yu , Zhonghua Zhang and Frank K. Tittel, “A Sensitive Carbon Dioxide Sensor Based on Photoacoustic Spectroscopy with a Fixed Wavelength Quantum Cascade Laser,” Sensors 2019, 19, 4187; doi:10.3390/s19194187, 2019 [PDF]
[24] H. Zheng, H. Lin, L. Dong, Y. Liu, P. Patimisco, J. Zweck, A. Mozumder, A. Sampaolo, V. Spagnolo, B. Huang, J. Tang, L. Dong, W. Zhu, J. Yu, Z. Chen, and F.K. Tittel, “Influence of Tuning Fork Resonance Properties on Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Performance,” Sensors 19, 3825, 1-11, 2019 [PDF]
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[22] H. Wu, L. Dong, X. Yin, A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, L. Xiao, V. Spagnolo, S. Jia, “Atmospheric CH4 measurement near a landfill using an ICL-based QEPAS sensor with V-T relaxation self-calibration,” Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 297, 126753, 1-9, 2019 [PDF]
[21] A. Zheng, W. Qiu, X. Gu, Y. Zhang, W. Zhu, B. Huang, H. Lu, H. Guan, Y. Xiao, Y. Zhong, J. Fang, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, J. Yu, F. K. Tittel, and Z. Chen, “Accurate measurement of nanomechanical motion in a fiber-taper nano-optomechanical system”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 013104 -1 – 013104-4, 2019 [PDF]
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[19] Y. He, Y. Ma, Y. Tong, X. Yu, and Frank K.Tittel. “A portable gas sensor for sensitive CO detection based on quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy”. Optics and Laser Technology 115, 129–133, 2019
[18] H. Wu, X. Yin, L. Dong, Z. Jia, J. Zhang, F. Liu, F., W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, L. Xiao, S. Jia,& F. K. Tittel, “Ppb-level nitric oxide photoacoustic sensor based on a mid-IR quantum cascade laser operating at 52 °C”. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 290, 426-433, 2019
[17] S. Li, L. Dong, H. Wu, X. Yin, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, V. Spagnolo, S. Jia, and F.K. Tittel, “Simultaneous multi-gas detection between 3 and 4 μm based on a 2.5-m multipass cell and a tunable Fabry-Pérot filter detector”. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 216, 154-160, 2019
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[15] Y. Ma, S. Qiao, Y. He, Y. Li, Z. Zhang, X. Yu and F. K. Tittel, “Highly sensitive acetylene detection based on multi-pass retro-reflection-cavity-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy and a fiber amplified diode laser,” Optics Express 27, 14163-14172, 2019 [PDF]
[14] S. Li, L. Dong, H. Wu, A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, V. Spagnolo and F. K. Tittel “Ppb-Level Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Detection of Carbon Monoxide Exploiting a Surface Grooved Tuning Fork”, Analytical Chemistry 91, 5834-5840, 2019
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[12] M. Dong, C. Zheng , Y. Zhang , Y. Wang, and F.K. Tittel, “Herriott Cell Design With Minimum Volume and Multiple Reflection Rings for Infrared Gas Sensing”. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31, 541-544, 2019
[11] L. Hu, C. Zheng, D. Yao, D. Yu, Z. Liu, J. Zheng, Y. Wang, Frank and F.K. Tittel, “A hollow-core photonic band-gap fiber based methane sensor system capable of reduced mode interference noise”. Infrared Physics & Technology 97, 101-107, 2019
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[8] Cui, R., Dong, L., Wu, H., Li, S., Yin, X., Zhang, L., Ma, W., Yin, W., and F K Tittel, “Calculation model of dense spot pattern multipass cells based on a spherical mirror aberration,” Optics Letters 44, 1108-1111, 2019
[7] Yin, X. Hongpeng, Wu, H. Dong, L. Ma, W., Zhang, L., Yin, W., Xiao, L., Jia, S. and F K .Tittel, ”Ppb-level photoacoustic sensor system for saturation-free CO detection of SF6 decomposition by use of a 10 W fiber-amplified near-infrared diode laser”, Sensors and Actuators B 282, 567-573, 2019
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[5] Z. Liu, C. Zheng, C. Chen, Y. Li, H. Xie, Q. Ren, Y. Wang, and F K. Tittel, “ICL-based mid-infrared carbon dioxide sensor system for deep-sea natural gas hydrate exploration”, Optics Express 27, 5598-5609, 2019
[4] Yin, X., Dong, L., Wu, H., Zhang, L., Ma, W., Yin, W., Xiao, L., Jia, S., F K Tittel, “Highly sensitive photoacoustic multicomponent gas sensor for SF6 decomposition online monitoring”, Optics Express 27, A224-A234, 2019
[3] Giglio, M., Elefante, A., Patimisco, P., Sampaolo, A., Sgobba, F., Rossmadl, H., Mackowiak, V., Wu, H., F K Tittel, Dong, L., Spagnolo, V., “Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor for ethylene detection implementing optimized
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[2] Patimisco, P., Sampaolo, A., Giglio, M., Russo, S D., Mackowiak, V., Rossmadl, H., Cable, A., F K. Tittel and Spagnolo, V. “Tuning forks with optimized geometries for
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[21] Liu, Z., Zheng, C., Chen, C., Xie, H., Ren, Q., Ye, W., Wangad, Y., and F K. Tittel, “A near-infrared carbon dioxide sensor system using a compact folded optical structure for deep-sea natural gas hydrate exploration”, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Anal. Methods 10, 4838-4844, 2018
[20] Ma, Y., He, Y., Tong, Y., Yu, X., and F. K. Tittel, “Quartz-tuning-fork enhanced photothermal spectroscopy for ultra-high sensitive trace gas detection”, Optics Express 26, 32103-32110, 2018
[19] Zheng, H., Dong, L., Wu, H., Yin, Y., Xiao, L., Jia, S., Curl, R. and F. K. Tittel, “Application of acoustic micro-resonators in quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy for trace gas analysis”, Chemical Physics Letters 691, 462-472, 2018
[18] Zheng, K., Zheng, C., He, Q., Yao, D., Hu, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y. and F. K. Tittel, “Near-infrared acetylene sensor system using off-axis integrated-cavity output spectroscopy and two measurement schemes”, Optics Express 26, 26205-26216, 2018
[17] Dong, M., Zheng, C., Yao, D., Zhong, G., Miao, S., Wang, Y., and F. K. Tittel, “Double-range near-infrared acetylene detection using a dual spot-ring Herriott cell
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[15] J. Yu, W. Long, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, S. Yang, W. Zhu, H. Zheng, Y Xiao, J. Tang, H. Guan, J. Dong, H. Lu, W. Qiu, J. Zhang, F. K. Tittel, Z Chen, “Casimir Thrust Force on a Rotating Chiral Particle” , Phys. Rev. Lett. Oct.10, 2018.
[14] M. Giglio, P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, A. Zifarelli, R. Blanchard, C. Pfluegl, M. F. Witinski, D. Vakhshoori, F. K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “ Nitrous oxide quartz-enhanced photoacoustic detection employing a broadband distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser array”, Applied Physics Letters 113, 171101-1 -171101-4, 2018.
[13] R. Cui, L. Dong , H. Wu, S. Li, L .Zhang, W. Ma, W. YIN, L. Xiao, S. Jia, F. K. Tittel, “Highly sensitive and selective CO sensor using a 2.33 μm diode laser and wavelength modulation spectroscopy”, Optics Express, 26: 24318- 24328, 2018
[12] P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, V. Mackowiak, H. Rossmadl, A. Cable, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Loss mechanisms Determining the Quality Factors in Quartz Tuning Forks Vibrating at the Fundamental and First Overtone Mode,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 65, 1951-1957, 2018
[11] Q. He, C. Zheng, M. Lou, W. Ye, Y. Wang, F.K. Tittel, “Dual-feedback mid-infrared cavity-enhances absorption spectroscopy for H2CO detection using a radio-frequency electrically-modulated interbank cascade laser,” Optics Express, Optics Express 26, 15436-15444, 2018.
[10] Y. He, Y. Ma, Y. Tong, X. Yu, F.K. Tittel, “HCN ppt-level detection based on an EDFA-QEPAS sensor with miniaturized 3D-printed photoacoustic detection channel,” Optics Express, 26, 9666-9675, 2018
[9] Y. Ma, Y. He, Z. Peng, R. Yan, X. Li, X. Yu, Y. Tong, L. Ge, J. Li, F.K. Tittel, “Doubly Q-switched Tape casting YAG/Nd:YAG/YAG ceramic laser,” J. of Modern Optics 65, 1549-1553, 2018
[8] F. Song, C. Zheng, D. Yu, Y. Zhou, W. Yan, W. Ye, Y. Zheng, Y. Wang, F.K. Tittel, “Interband cascade laser-based ppbv-level mid-infrared methane detection using two digital lock-in amplifier schemes,” Applied Physics B 124: 51 (2018)
[7] P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, M. Giglio, V. Mackowiacfk, H. Rossmadl, B. Gross, A. Cable, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Octupole electrode pattern for tuning forks vibrating at the 1st overtone mode in quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Optics Letters 43: 1854-1857, 2018
[6] C. Li, L. Dong, C. Zheng, J. Lin, Y. Wang, F.K. Tittel, “Ppbv-Level Ethane Detection Using Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy with a Continuous-Wave, Room Temperature Interband Cascade Laser,” MDPI Sensors, 18, 723 (2018)
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[4] W. Ye, C. Zheng, N.P. Sanchez, A.V. Girija, Q. He, H. Zheng, R.J. Griffin, F.K. Tittel, “Thermal effects of an ICL-based mid-infrared CH4 sensor within a wide atmospheric temperature range,” Infrared Physics & Technology: 89, 299-303 (2018)
[3] M. Giglio, P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, J.M. Kriesel, V. Spagnolo, F.K. Tittel, “Low-loss and single mode tapered hollow-core waveguides optically coupled with interband and quantum cascade lasers,” Optical Engineering, 57, 011004 (2018)
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[1] N.P. Sanchez, C. Zheng, W. Ye, B. Czader, D.S. Cohan, F.K. Tittel, R.J. Griffin, “Exploratory study of atmospheric methane enhancements derived from natural gas use in the Houston urban area,” Atmospheric Environment, 176, 261-273 (2018)
[19] P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Mode matching of a laser-beam to a compact high finesse bow-tie optical cavity for quartz enhanced photoacoustic gas sensing,” Sensors and Actuators A 267: 70-75 (2017)
[18] Y. He, Y. Ma, Y. Tong, X. Yu, Z. Peng, J. Gao, F.K. Tittel, “Long distance, distributed gas sensing based on micro-nano fiber evanescent wave quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 241102 (2017)
[17] X. Yin, L. Dong, H. Wu, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, L. Xiao, S. Jia, F.K. Tittel, “Ppb-level H2S detection for SF6 decomposition based on a fiber-amplified telecommunication diode laser and a background-gas-induced high-Q photoacoustic cell,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 031109 (2017)
[16] X. Yin, L. Dong, H. Wu, H. Zheng, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, L. Xiao, S. Jia, F.K. Tittel, “Highly sensitive SO2 photoacoustic sensor for SF6 decomposition detection using a compact mW-level diode-pumped solid-state laser emitting at 303 nm,” Optics Express 25: 32581-32590 (2017)
[15] X. Yang, Y. Xiao, Y. Ma, Y. He, F.K. Tittel, “A Miniaturized QEPAS Trace Gas Sensor With a 3D Printed Acoustic Detection Module,” MDPI: Sensors, 17, 1750 (2017)
[14] Q. He, M. Lou, C. Zheng, W. Ye, Y. Wang, F.K. Tittel, “Repetitively mode-locked cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (RML-CEAS) for near-infrared gas sensing,” MDPI Sensors: 17, 2792 (2017)
[13] F. Song, C. Zheng, W. Yan, W. Ye, Y. Wang, F.K. Tittel, “Interband cascade laser based mid-infrared methane sensor system using a novel electrical-domain self-adaptive direct laser absorption spectroscopy (SA-DLAS),” Optics Express: 25, 31876-31888 (2017)
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[11] M. Dong, C. Zheng, S. Miao, Y. Zhang, Q. Du, Y. Wang, F.K. Tittel, “Development and Measurements of a Mid-Infrared Multi-Gas Sensor System for CO, CO2 and CH4 Detection,” Sensors 17: 2221 (2017)
[10] H. Zheng, M. Lou, L. Dong, H. Wu, W. Ye, X. Yin, C.S. Kim, M. Kim, W.W. Bewley, C.D. Merritt, C.L. Canedy, M.V. Warren, I. Vurgaftman, J.R. Meyer, F.K. Tittel, “Compact photoacoustic module for methane detection incorporating interband cascade light emitting device,” Optics Express 25: 16761-16777 (2017)
[9] Y. Yu, N.P. Sanchez, F. Yi, C. Zheng, W. Ye, H. Wu, R.J. Griffin, F.K. Tittel, “Dual quantum cascade laser‑based sensor for simultaneous NO and NO2 detection using a wavelength modulation‑division multiplexing technique,” Appl. Phys. B (2017)
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[6] X. Yin, L. Dong, H. Wu, H. Zheng, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, S. Jia, F. K. Tittel, “Sub-ppb nitrogen dioxide detection with a large linear dynamic range by use of a differential photoacoustic cell and a 3.5W blue multimode diode laser”, Sensors and Actuators: B, 247, 329-335 (2017)
[5] Y. Ma, Y. He, L. Zhang, X. Yu , J. Zhang, R. Sun, F. K. Tittel, “Ultra-high sensitive acetylene detection using quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy with a fiber-amplified diode laser and a 30.72 kHz quartz tuning fork,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 121104 (2017)
[4] P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, Y. Bidaux, A. Bismuto, M. Scott, J. Jiang, A. Muller, J. Faist, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo; “Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectrophones exploiting custom tuning forks: a review,” Advances in Physics: X, 2, 169-187 (2017)
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[1] C. Zheng, W. Ye, N. P. Sanchez, C. Li, L. Dong, Y. Wang, R. J. Griffin, F. K. Tittel, “Development and field deployment of a mid-infrared methane sensor without pressure control using interband cascade laser absorption spectroscopy,” Sensors and Actuators B, 244, 365-372 (2017)
[25] W. Ye, C. Li, C. Zheng, N.P. Sanchez, A.K. Glusek, A.J. Hudzikowski, L. Dong, R.J. Griffin, F.K. Tittel, “Mid-infrared dual-gas sensor for simultaneous detection of methane and ethane using a single continuous-wave interband cascade laser,” Optics Express 24: 15, 16973-16985 (2016)
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[23] C. Zheng, W. Ye, N. P. Sanchez, A. K. Gluszek, A. J. Hudzikowski, C. Li, L. Dong, R. J. Griffin, and F. K. Tittel, “Infrared Dual-Gas CH4/C2H6 Sensor Using Two Continuous-Wave Interband Cascade Lasers,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28, 2351-2354 (2016)
[22] J. Wang, L. Zheng, X. Niu, C. Zheng, Y. Wang, F.K. Tittel, “Mid-infrared absorption-spectroscopy-based carbon dioxide sensor network in greenhouse agriculture: development and deployment,” Appl. Opt. 55, 7029-7032 (2016)
[21] Y. Bidaux, A. Bismuto, P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, T. Gresch, G. Strubi, S. Blaser, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, A. Muller, J. Faist, “Mid infrared quantum cascade laser operating in pure amplitude modulation for background-free trace gas spectroscopy,” Opt. Exp. 24, 26464-26471 (2016)
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[19] K. Liu, R. Lewicki, F.K. Tittel, “Development of a mid-infrared nitrogen dioxide sensor based on Faraday rotation spectroscopy,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 237, 887-893 (2016)
[18] W. Ye, C. Li, C. Zheng, N.P. Sanchez, A.K. Gluszek, A.J. Hudzikowski, l. Dong, R.J. Griffin, F.K. Tittel, “Mid-infrared dual-gas sensor for simultaneous detection of methane and ethane using a single continuous-wave inter band cascade laser,” Opt. Exp. 24, 267743 (2016)
[17] Q. He, C. Zheng, H. Liu, B. Li, Y. Wang, F. K. Tittel, “A near-infrared acetylene detection system based on a 1.534 µm tunable diode laser and a miniature gas chamber,” Infrared Physics & Technology, 75, 93-99 (2016)
[16] H. Zheng, L. Dong, A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, L. Xiao, V. Spagnolo, S. Jia, F. K. Tittel, “Overtone resonance enhanced single-tube on-beam quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectrophone,” Applied Physics Letters, 109, 111103, (2016)
[15] J. Leong, A. P. Rutter, H. Y. Wong, C. V. Gutierrez, M. Junaid, E. Scheuer, L. Gong, R. Lewicki, J. E. Dibb, F. K. Tittel, R. J. Griffin, “Impact of environmental variables on the reduction of nitric acid by proxies for volatile organic compounds emitted by motor vehicles,” Atmospheric Pollution Research, 7, 221-227 (2016)
[14] Y. Ma, Y. He, C. Chen, X. Yu, J. Zhang, J. Peng, R. Sun, F.K. Tittel, “Planar laser -based QEPAS trace gas sensors”, Sensors, 16, 989; doi: 10.3390/s16070989 (2016)
[13] A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, M. Giglio, L. Chieco, G. Scamarcio, F. K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Highly sensitive gas leak detector based on a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic SF6 sensor,” Opt. Exp., 24, 267202 (2016)
[12] C. Li, C. Zheng, L. Dong, W. Ye, F.K. Tittel, Y. Wang, ”Ppb-level mid-infrared detection based on two measurement schemes using a 3.34 µm continuous wave interband cascade laser,” Appl. Phys. B. 122:185 (2016)
[11] C Li., L. Dong, C. Zheng, F.K. Tittel, “Compact TDLAS based optical sensor for ppb-level ethane detection by use of a 3.34µm room-temperature CW interband cascade laser,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 232, 188-194 (2016)
[10] Y. Ma, Y. He, X. Yu, R. Sun, F.K.Tittel, “HCl ppb-level detection based on QEPAS sensor using a low resonance frequency quartz tuning fork,” Sensors and Actuators: B Chemical 233, 388-293, (2016)
[9] M. Giglio, P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, G. Scamarcio, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo; “Allan deviation plot as a tool for quartz enhanced photoacoustic sensors noise analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, (2016) DOI:10.1109/TuFFC.2015.1.
[8] Y. Ma, Y. He, X. Yu, J. Zhang, R. Sun, F.K. Tittel, “Compact all-fiber QEPAS sensor with a 30.72 kHz quartz tuning fork and spatially resolved trace gas detection,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 091115 (2016)
[7] A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, M. Giglio, M.S. Vitiello, H.E. Beere, D.A. Ritchie, G. Scamarcio, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Improved tuning fork for terahertz quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Sensors MDPI, 16(4), 439, DOI:10.3390/s16046439 (2016)
[6] P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, L. Mihai, M. Giglio, J. Kreisel, D. Sporea, G. Scamarcio, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Low-loss coupling of quantum cascade lasers into hollow-core waveguides with single-mode output in the 3.7-7.6 µm spectral range,” Sensors MDPI 16(4): 533, DOI:10.3390/s16040533 (2016)
[5] L. Dong, F.K. Tittel, C. Li, N.P. Sanchez, H. Wu, C. Zheng, Y. Yu, A. Sampaolo, R. J Griffin, “Compact TDLAS based sensor design using interband cascade lasers for mid-IR trace gas sensing,” Opt. Exp. 24, A528-A535, (2016)
[4] F.K. Tittel, A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, L. Dong, A Geras, T. Starecki, V. Spagnolo, “Analysis of overtone flexural modes operation in quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Opt. Exp. 24 A682-A692, (2016)
[3] H. Zheng, L. Dong, A. Sampaolo, H. Wu, P. Patimisco, X. Yin, X. Liu, Y. Yang, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, V. Spagnolo, S. Jia, F.K. Tittel, “Single-tube on-beam quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Opt. Lett. 41, 978-981, (2016)
[2] L. Dong, C. Li, N. P. Sanchez, A. K. Gluszek, R. Griffin and F. K. Tittel, “Compact CH4 sensor system based on a continuous-wave, low power consumption, room temperature interband cascade laser,” Appl. Phys Lett. 108, 011106, (2016)
[1] P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, L. Dong, M. Giglio, G. Scamarcio, F. K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Analysis of the electro-elastic properties of custom quartz tuning forks for optoacoustic gas sensing,” Sensors and Actuators: B Chemical, 227, 539-546, (2016)
[18] Y. Ma, G. Yu, J. Zhang, X. Yu, R. Sun, F.K. Tittel, “Quartz Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Based Trace Gas Sensors Using Different Quartz Tuning Forks,” Sensors 15: 7596-7604 (2015)
[17] J. Zhang, F. K. Tittel, L. Gong, R. Lewicki, R. J. Griffin, W. Jiang, B. Jiang, M. Li, “Support vector machine modeling using particle swarm optimization approach for the retrieval of atmospheric ammonia concentrations,” Environmental Modeling and Assessment (ENMO): 21, 531-546, DOI:10.1007/7s10666-015-9495-x, 1-16; (2015)
[16] L. Spacek, M. Mudalel, F.K. Tittel, T. Risby; S. Solga, “Clinical utility of breath ammonia for evaluation of ammonia physiology in healthy and cirrhotic adults,” Journal of Breath Research, J. Breath Res. 9, 047109, (2015)
[15] A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, L. Dong , A. Geras, S, G. Scamarcio’ T. Starecki, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy exploiting tuning fork overtone modes,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 231102. (2015)
[14] H. Zheng, X. Yin, G. Zhang, L. Dong, H. Wu, X. Yui, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, L. Xioa, S. Jia, F.K. Tittel, “Quartz-enhanced Conductance Spectroscopy for Nanomechanical Analysis of Polymer Wire,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 221903, (2015)
[13] H. Wu, A. Sampaolo, L. Dong , P. Patimisco, X. Liu, H. Zheng, X.Yin, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, V. Spagnolo, S. Jia, F. K. Tittel, “Quartz enhanced photoacoustic H2S gas sensor based on a fiber-amplifier source and a custom tuning fork with large prong spacing,” Appl. Phys. Letters, 107, 111104, (2015)
[12] Y. Ma, X. Yu, G. Yu, X. Li, J. Zhang, D. Chen, R. Sun, F.K. Tittel, “Multi-quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 107, 021106, (2015)
[11] P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, M. Giglio, J. Kriesel, F.K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Hollow core waveguide as mid-infrared laser modal beam filter”, J. of Appl. Phys. 118, 113102, (2015)
[10] H. Wu, L. Dong, H. Zheng, X. Liu, X. Yin, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, S. Jia and F. K. Tittel, “Enhanced near-infrared QEPAS sensor for sub-ppm level H2S detection by means of a fiber amplified 1582 nm DFB laser”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 221, 666-672, (2015)
[9] L. Spacek, M.L. Mudelel, R. Lewicki,, F.K. Tittel, T.Risby, J. Stoltzful, J. J. Munier, S. F. Solga, “Breath Ammonia and Ethanol Increase in Response to a High Protein Challenge,” Biomarkers, 20, 149-156, (2015)
[8] L. Dong, Y. Yu, C. Li, S. So, F.K. Tittel, “Ppb-level formaldehyde detection using a CW room-temperature interband cascade laser and a miniature dense pattern multipass cell,” Optics Express, 23, 19821-19830, (2015)
[7] W. Ren, L. Luo, F. K. Tittel, “Sensitive detection of formaldehyde using an interband cascade laser near 3.6 µm”, Elsevier, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 221, 1062-1068, (2015)
[6] Y. Ma, G. Yu, J. Zhang, X. Yu, R. Sun and F. K. Tittel, “Quartz Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Using Different Quartz Tuning Forks”, Sensors 15, 7596-7604, (2015)
[5] K. Liu, L. Dong, and F. K. Tittel, “Compact sound-speed sensor for quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy based applications”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 86, 044903, (2015) [PDF]
[4] A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, J. M. Kriesel, F.K. Tittel, G. Scamarcio, V. Spagnolo, “Single mode operation with mid-IR hollow fibers in the range 5.1-10.5 µm”, Opt. Exp., 23, 195-204, (2015)
[3] V. Spagnolo, P. Patimisco, R. Pennetta, A. Sampaolo, G. Scamarcio, M. S. Vitiello, K. Tittel, “THz Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor for H2S trace gas detection”, Opt. Exp. 23, 7574-7582, (2015)
[2] Y. Cao, N. Sanchez, W. Jiang, R. J. Griffin, F. Xie, L. C. Hughes, C. Zah, and F. K. Tittel, “Simultaneous atmospheric nitrous oxide, methane and water vapor detection with a single continuous wave quantum cascade laser,” Opt. Exp., 23, 2121-2132, (2015)
[1] H. Wu, L. Dong, W. Ren, W. Yin, W. Ma, L. Zhang, S. Jia, F. K. Tittel, “Position effects of acoustic micro-resonator in quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 206: 364-37, (2015)
[14] J. Wojtas, F.K. Tittel, T. Stacewicz, Z. Bielecki, R. Lewicki, J. Mikolajczyk, N. Nowakowski, D. Szabra, P. Stefanski, J. Tarka, “Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy and Photoacoustic Spectroscopy for Human Breath Analysis,” Intl. Journal of Thermophysics 35: 2215-2225 (2014)
[13] Y. Cao, N. P. Sanchez, W. Jiang, W. Ren, R. Lewicki, D. Jiang, R. J. Griffin, F. K. Tittel, “Multi-pass absorption spectroscopy for H2O2 detection using a CW DFB-QCL”, Journal of Applied Technologies, 3, 549-558, (2014)
[12] P. Stefanski, R. Lewicki, N. P. Sanchez, J. Tarka, R. J. Griffin, M. Razeghi, F. K. Tittel, “Measurements of carbon monoxide mixing ratios in Houston using a compact high power CW DFB-QCL based QEPAS sensor”, Appl. Phys. B, 117, 519-526, (2014)
[11] W. Ren, W. Jiang, F.K. Tittel, “Single-QCL-based absorption sensor for simultaneous trace-gas detection of CH4 and N2O”, Applied Physics B, 117, 245-251, (2014)
[10] M. Köhring, S. Huang, M. Jahjah, W. Jiang, W. Ren, U. Willer, C. Caneba, L. Yang, D. Nagrath, W. Schade, F.K. Tittel, “QCL based TDLAS sensor for detection of NO towards emission measurements from ovarian cancer cells”, Applied Physics B, 117, 445-451, (2014)
[9] F.K. Tittel, R. Lewicki, M. Jahjah, B. Foxworth, Y. Ma, “Mid-Infrared Laser based Gas Sensor Technologies for Environmental Monitoring, Medical Diagnostics, Industrial and Security Applications,” Chapter 21 in Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Detection of Explosives and CBRN (using Terahertz), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, 153-165, (2014)
[8] S. Solga, M. Mudalel, L. Spacek, R. Lewicki, F. K. Tittel, C. Loccioni, A. Russo, A. Ragnoni, T. Risby, “Changes in the Concentration of Breath Ammonia in Response to Exercise: A Preliminary Investigation,” J. Breath research, 8 037103, (2014)
[7] P. Patimisco, G. Scamarcio, F. K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, “Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy: a review”, Sensors: Special Issue “Gas Sensors-2013”, 14, 6165-6206 (2014)
[6] J. P. Waclawek, R. Lewicki, H. Moser, M. Brandstetter, F. K. Tittel, B. Lendl, “Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy-based sensor system for sulfur dioxide detection using a CW DFB-QCL,” Applied Physics B: (2014)
[5] R. Lewicki, M. Jahjah, B. Foxworth, Y. Ma, L. Dong, R. Griffin, K. Krzempek, P. Stefanski, F. K. Tittel, J. Tarka, “Mid-infrared Laser Based Gas Sensor Technologies for Environmental Monitoring, Medical Diagnostics, Industrial and Security Applications,” Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, (2014)
[4] W. Ren, W. Jiang, N.P. Sanchez, P. Patimisco, V. Spagnolo, C. Zah, F. Xie, L. C. Hughes, R. J. Griffin, F. K. Tittel, “Hydrogen peroxide detection with quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy using a distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser,” Applied Physics Letters 104:041117 (2014)
[3] M. Jahjah, W. Ren, P. Stefanski, R. Lewicki, J. Zhang, W. Jiang, J. Tarka, F. K. Tittel, “A compact QCL based methane and nitrous oxide sensor for environmental and medical applications,” The Royal Society of Chemistry Analyst: (2014)
[2] M. Jahjah, W. Jiang, N. P. Sanchez, W. Ren, P. Patimisco, V. Spagnolo, S.C. Herndon, R.J. Griffin, F. K. Tittel, “Atmospheric CH4 and N2O measurements near Greater Houston are landfills using QCL based QEPAS sensor system during DISCOVER-AQ 2013,” Optics Letters 39: 957-960 (2014)
[1] H. Wu, H. Zheng, Y. Liu, X. Liu, W. Jiang, L. Zhang, W. Ma, W. Ren, W. Yin, S. Jia, L. Dong, F. K. Tittel, “Double acoustic microresonator quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Optics Letters 39: 2479-2482 (2014)
[10] F.K. Tittel, R. Lewicki, “Tunable mid-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., (2013) [PDF]
[9] S. Solga, T. Schwartz, M. Mudalel, L. Spacek, R. Lewicki, F.K. Tittel, C. Loccioni, T. Risby, “Factors influencing breath ammonia determination,” J. Breath Research 7: (2013) [pdf]
[8] F.K. Tittel, R. Lewicki, R. Lascola, S. McWhorter, “Emerging infrared laser absorption spectroscopic techniques for gas analysis”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 71-109 (2013) [pdf]
[7] Y. Ma, R. Lewicki, M. Razeghi, F.K. Tittel, “QEPAS based ppb-level detection of CO and N2O using a high power CW DFB-QCL,” Optics Express 21: 1008-1019 (2013) [pdf]
[6] R. Lewicki, M. Jahjah, Y. Ma, P. Stefanski, J. Tarka, M. Razeghi, F.K. Tittel, “Current Status of Mid-Infrared Semiconductor Laser Based Sensor Technologies for Trace Gas Sensing Applications”, SPIE Press, (2013) [pdf]
[5] K. Krzempek, M. Jahjah, R. Lewicki, P. Stefanski, S. So, D. Thomazy, F.K. Tittel, “CW DFB RT diode laser based sensor for trace-gas detection of ethane using novel compact multipass gas absorption cell,” Appl. Phys. B. (2013) [pdf]
[4] L. Gong, R. Lewicki, R.J. Griffin, B. Karakurt Cevik, A.P. Rutter, F.K. Tittel, J.H. Flynn, B.L. Lefer, E. Scheuer, J.E. Dibb, S. Kim, “Characterization of atmospheric ammonia near Fort Worth, TX – Part I. Dynamics of gaseous ammonia,” Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres (2013) [pdf]
[3] A. Kachanov, S. Koulikov, F.K. Tittel, “Cavity Enhanced Optical Feedback Assisted Photoacoustic Spectroscopy with a 10.4 µm External-Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser,” Appl. Phys. B 110: 47-56 (2013) [pdf]
[2] L. Gong, R. Lewicki, R. Griffin, F.K. Tittel, C.R. Lonsdale, R.G. Stevens, J.R. Pierce, Q.G.J. Malloy, S.A. Travis, L.M. Bobmanuel, B.L. Lefer, J.H. Flynn, “Role of Atmospheric ammonia in particulate matter formation in Houston, TX during summertime,” Atmospheric Envi 77: 893-900 (2013) [pdf]
[1] L. Gong, R. Lewicki, Y.J. Leong, B. Karakurt Cevik, A.P. Rutter, K.M. Shakya, R.J. Griffin, F.K. Tittel, J.H. Flynn, B.L. Lefer, E. Scheuer, J.E. Dibb, S. Kim, “Characterization of atmospheric ammonia near Fort Worth, TX – Part II. Impact of ammonia on particulate matter formation,” Journal of Geoph (2013) [pdf]
[6] V. Spagnolo, L Dong, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “Modulation cancellation method for isotope 18^O/16^O,” Optics Express 20, 3401: (2012) [pdf]
[5] F. K. Tittel, L. Dong, R. Lewicki, G. Lee, A. Peralta, V. Spagnolo, “Sensitive detection of nitric oxide using a 5.26 micro-m external cavity quantum cascade laser based QEPAS sensor,” Proc. of SPIE 8268: (2012) [Quantum sensing and nanophotonic devices IX] [pdf]
[4] K. Krzempek, R. Lewicki, L. Naehle, M. Fischer, J. Koeth, S. Behahsene, Y. Roulard, L. Worschech, F.K. Tittel, “Continuous wave, distributed feedback diode laser based sensor for trace gas detection of ethane,” Appl Phys B 106: 251-255 (2012) [pdf]
[3] L. Gong, R. Lewicki, R.J. Griffin, F.K. Tittel, J.R. Pierce, C. Lonsdale, R. Stevens, Q. Malloy, S. Travis, L. Bobomanuel, B.L. Lefer, J.H. Flynn, “Atmospheric ammonia measurements and implications for particular matter formation in Houston TX,” (2012) [PDF]
[2] L. Dong, J. Wright, B. Peters, B.A. Ferguson, F.K. Tittel, S. McWhorter, “Compact QEPAS sensor for trace methane and ammonia detection in impure hydrogen,” Appl Phys B (2012) [PDF]
[1] L. Dong, R. Lewicki, K. Liu, P.R. Buerki, M.J. Weida, F.K. Tittel, “Ultra- sensitive carbon monoxide detection by using EC-QCL based quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Appl Phys B 107: 275-283 (2012) [pdf]
[13] V. Spagnolo, R. Lewicki, L. Dong, F.K. Tittel, “Quantum-cascade-laser-based optoacoustic detection for breath sensor applications,” Medical Measurements and Applications Proceedings (MeMeA) (2011) [PDF]
[12] L. Dong, V. Spagnolo, R. Lewicki, F.K. Tittel, “Ppb-level detection of nitric oxide using an external cavity quantum cascade laser based QEPAS sensor,” Optics Express 19, 24037-24045 (2011) [PDF]
[11] C. A. Zaugg, R. Lewicki, T. Day, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Faraday rotation spectroscopy of nitrogen dioxide based on a widely tunable external cavity quantum cascade laser,” Proc. of SPIE 7945: 50O-1 (2011) [pdf]
[10] F.K. Tittel, R.F. Curl, L. Dong, J.H. Doty, A.A. Kosterev, R. Lewicki, D. Thomazy, G. Wysocki, “Recent Advances in Infrared Semiconductor Laser based Chemical Sensing Technologies”, Springer, Proc. of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Marmaris, Turkey, 3-6 Nov. 2009: 165-173 (2011) [pdf]
[9] V. Spagnolo, L. Dong, A.A. Kosterev, D. Thomazy, J.H. Doty III, F.K. Tittel, “Modulation cancellation method in laser spectroscopy,” Appl. Phys. B 103: 735-742 (2011) [pdf]
[8] V. Spagnolo, L. Dong, A. A. Kosterev, D. Thomazy, J. H. Doty, F. K. Tittel, “Modulation cancellation method for laser spectroscopy,” Proc. of SPIE 7945: 50I-1 (2011) [pdf]
[7] V. Spagnolo, L. Dong, A. A. Kosterev, D. Thomazy, J. H. Doty, F. K. Tittel, “Modulation cancellation method for measurements of small temperature differences in a gas,” Optics Letters 36: 460-462 (2011) [pdf]
[6] N. Petra, J. Zweck, S. E. Minkoff, A. A. Kosterev, J. H. Doty, “Modeling and Design optimization of a resonant optothermoacoustic trace gas sensor,” SIAM J. of Appl. Math 71: 309-332 (2011) [pdf]
[5] M. R. McCurdy, A. Sharafkhaneh, H. Abdel-Monem, J. Rojo, F. K Tittel, “Exhaled nitric oxide parameters and functional capacity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,” Journal of Breath Research 5: 016003 (2011) [PDF]
[4] R. Lewicki, A. A. Kosterev, D. M. Thomazy, T. H. Risby, S. Solga, T. B. Schwartz, F. K. Tittel, “Real time ammonia detection in exhaled human breath using a distributed feedback quantum cascade laser based sensor,” Proc. of SPIE 7945: 50K-2 (2011) [pdf]
[3] L. Gong, R. Lewicki, R. J. Griffin, J. H. Flynn, B. L. Lefer, F. K. Tittel, “Atmospheric ammonia measurements in Houston, TX using an external-cavity quantum cascade laser-based sensor,” Atmospheric Chemical Physics, 11, 9721-9733, (2011) [PDF]
[2] J. H. Doty, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “Recent Advances in Resonant Optothermalacoustic Detection,” Proc. of SPIE 7945: 50Q-1 (2011) [pdf]
[1] L. Dong, A. A. Kosterev, D. Thomazy, F. K. Tittel, “Compact Portable QEPAS Multi-gas Sensor,” Proc. of SPIE 7945: 50R-1 (2011) [pdf]
[10] M. Troccoli, L. Diehl, D.P. Bour, S.W. Corzine, N. Yu, C.Y. Wang, M.A. Belkin, G. Hofler, R. Lewicki, G. Wysocki, F.K. Tittel, F. Capasso, “Corrections to “High Performance Quantum Cascade Lasers Grown by Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy and Their Applications to Trace Gas Sensing,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 28: 984 (2010) [PDF]
[9] V. Spagnolo, A. A. Kosterev, L. Dong, R. Lewicki, F. K. Tittel, “NO trace gas sensor based on quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy and external cavity quantum cascade laser,” App. Phys. B 100: 125-130 (2010) [pdf]
[8] D.V. Serebryakov, I.V. Morozov, A. A. Kosterev, V.S. Letokhov, “Laser microphotoacoustic sensor of ammonia traces in the atmosphere,” Quantum Electronics (Russian) 40: 167-172 (2010) [pdf]
[7] T. H. Risby, F. K. Tittel, “Current status of mid-infrared quantum and interband cascade lasers for clinical breath analysis,” Optical Engineering 49: 111123-1-14 (2010) [pdf]
[6] K. Liu, H. Yi, A. A. Kosterev, W. Chen, L. Dong, L. Wang, T. Tan, W. Zhang, F. K. Tittel, X. Gao, “Trace gas detection based on off-beam quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy: Optimization and performance evaluation,” Review of Scientific Instruments 81: 103103 (2010) [pdf]
[5] A.A. Kosterev, J.H. Doty, “Resonant optothermoacoustic detection: technique for measuring weak optical absorption by gases and micro-objects,” Optics Letters 35: 3571-3573 (2010) [pdf]
[4] A.A. Kosterev, L. Dong, D. Thomazy, F.K. Tittel, S. Overby, “QEPAS for chemical analysis of multi-component gas mixtures,” App. Phys. B 101: 649-659 (2010) [pdf]
[3] A. A. Kosterev, P. R. Buerki, L. Dong, M. Reed, T. Day, F. K. Tittel, “QEPAS detector for rapid spectral measurements,” App. Phys. B 100: 173-180 (2010) [pdf]
[2] L. Dong, A. A. Kosterev, D. Thomazy, F. K. Tittel, “QEPAS spectrophones: design, optimization, and performance,” Appl Phys B 100: 627-635 (2010) [pdf]
[1] R. F. Curl, F. Capasso, C. Gmachl, A. A Kosterev, B. McManus, R. Lewicki, M. Pusharsky, G. Wysocki, F. K. Tittel, “Quantum cascade lasers in chemical physics,” Chemical Physics Letters 487: 1-18 (2010) [pdf]
[6] S. Schilt, A. A Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “Performance evaluation of a near infrared QEPAS based ethylene sensor,” Applied Physics B 95: 813-824 (2009) [pdf]
[5] D. Richter, B. P. Wert, A. Fried, P. Weibring, J. G. Walega, J. W. White, B. H. Vaughn, F. K. Tittel, “High precision carbon dioxide isotope spectrometer with a difference frequency generation laser source,” Optics Letters 34 34: 172-174 (2009) [pdf]
[4] R. Lewicki, J. H. Doty, III, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, G. Wysocki, “Ultra-sensitive Detection of Nitric Oxide at 5.33 μm using External Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser based Farady Rotation Spectroscopy,” PNAS 106: 12587-12592 (2009) [pdf]
[3] N. Petra, J. Zweck, A. A. Kosterev, S. E. Minkoff, D. Thomazy, “Theoretical Analysis of a Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Sensor,” Appl Phys B 94: 673-680 (2009) [pdf]
[2] K. Liu, J. Li, L. Wang, T. Tang, W. Zhang, X. Gao, W. Chen, F. K. Tittel, “Trace gas sensor based on quartz tuning fork enhanced laser photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Applied Physics B 94: 527-533 (2009) [pdf]
[1] C. Bauer, U. Willer, R. Lewicki, A. Pohlkotter, A. A. Kosterev, D. Kosynkin, F. K. Tittel, W Schade, “A Mid-infrared QEPAS sensor device for TATP detection,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 157: 012002 (2009) [pdf]
[11] F. K. Tittel, Y. A. Bahirkin, R. F. Curl, A. A. Kosterev, M R. McCurdy, S. G. So, G. Wysocki, “Laser Based Chemical Sensor Technology: Recent Advances and Applications”, Advanced Environmental Monitoring, Y. J. Kim, U. Platt, Editors, Springer, 50-61 (2008) [PDF]
[10] G. Wysocki, R. Lewicki, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, L. Diehl, F. Capasso, M. Troccoli, G. Hoffler, D. P. Bour, S. W. Corzine, R. Maulini, M. Giovannini, J. Faist, “Widely tunable mode-hop free external cavity quantum cascade lasers for high resolution spectroscopy and chemical sensing,” Applied Physics B 92: 305-311 (2008) [pdf]
[9] M. Troccoli, L. Diehl, D. P. Bour, S. W. Corzine, N. Yu, C. H. Wang, M. A. Belkin, G. Höfler, R. Lewicki, G. Wysocki, F. K Tittel, F. Capasso, “High-Performance Quantum Cascade Lasers Grown by Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy and Their Applications to Trace Gas Sensing,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 26: 3534-3555 (2008) [pdf]
[8] F. K. Tittel, G. Wysocki, A. A Kosterev, Y. A. Bakhirkin, “Semiconductor Laser Based Trace Gas Sensor Technology: Recent Advances and Applications,” M. Ebrahim-Zadeh and I.T. Sorokina (eds.), Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources and Applications, 467–493 Springer (2008) [pdf]
[7] F. K. Tittel, Y. A. Bakhirkin, A. A. Kosterev, R. Lewicki, S. So, G. Wysocki, R. F. Curl, “Recent Advances and Applications of Mid-Infrared based Trace Gas Sensor Technology,” (2008) [pdf]
[6] A. A. Kosterev, G. Wysocki, Y. A. Bakhirkin, S. So, R. Lewicki, F. K. Tittel, R. F. Curl, “Application of quantum cascade lasers to trace gas analysis,” Applied Physics B 90: 165-176 (2008) [pdf]
[5] A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, G. Bearman, “Advanced quartz-enhanced photoacoustic trace gas sensor for early fire detection,” SAE International, 08ICES-0031 (2008) [pdf]
[4] A. A. Kosterev, Y. A. Bakhirkin, F. K. Tittel, S. McWhorter, B. Ashcraft, “QEPAS methane sensor performance for humidified gases,” Applied Physics B 92: 103-109 (2008) [pdf]
[3] A. Fried, J. G. Walega, J. R. Olson, J. H. Crawford, G. Chen, P. Weibring, D. Richter, C. Roller, F. K. Tittel, B. Heikes, J. Snow, H. Shen, D. Sullivan, M. Porter, H. Feulberg, J. Halland, D. Millet, D. Jacob, “Formaldehyde over North America and the North Atlantic during the Summer 2004 INTEX Campaign: Methods, Observed Distributions, and Measurement Box Model Comparisons,” J.Geophys. Res. 113: 10302-10302 (2008) [pdf]
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[1] W. Chen, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, X. Gao, W. Zhao, “H2S trace concentration measurements using off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy in the near-infrared,” Applied Physics B 90: 311-315 (2008) [pdf]
[9] A.A. Kosterev, G. Wysocki, Y. Bakhirkin, S. So, R. Lewicki, M. Fraser, F.K. Tittel, R.F. Curl, “Application of quantum cascade lasers to trace gas analysis,” Appl. Phys. B 90, 165-176 (2007) [PDF]
[8] G. Wysocki, Y. A. Bakhirkin, S. So, F. K. Tittel, C. J. Hill, R. Q. Yang, M. P. Fraser, “Dual interband cascade laser based trace-gas sensor for environmental monitoring,” Appl. Opt. 46: 8202-8210 (2007) [pdf]
[7] S. G. So, F. Koushanfar, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “LaserSPECks:: laser SPECtroscopic trace-gas sensor networks – sensor integration and applications,” (2007) [pdf]
[6] A. K. Ngai, S. T. Persijni, D. Lindsay, A. A. Kosterev, P. Gross, C. J. Lee, C. M. Cristescu, F. K. Tittel, K. J. Boller, F. J. Harren, “Continuous Wave Optical Parametric Oscillator for Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Trace Gas Sensing,” Appl. Phys. B 89: 123-128 (2007) [pdf]
[5] M. R. McCurdy, Y. A. Bakhirkin, G. Wysocki, F. K Tittel, “Performance of an exhaled nitric oxide and carbon dioxide sensor using quantum cascade laser-based integrated cavity output spectroscopy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 12: 1-9 (2007) [pdf]
[4] M. R. McCurdy, Y. A. Bakhirkin, G. Wysocki, R. Lewicki, F. K. Tittel, “Recent advances of laser-spectroscopy-based techniques for applications in breath analysis,” Journal of Breath Research 1: 014001-014001 (2007) [pdf]
[3] R. Lewicki, G. Wysocki, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “Carbon Dioxide and ammonia detection using 2μm diode laser based quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Appl. Phys. B 87: 157-162 (2007) [pdf]
[2] R. Lewicki, G. Wysocki, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “QEPAS based detection of broadband absorbing molecules using a widely tunable, cw quantum cascade laser at 8.4 μm,” Optics Express 15: 7357-7366 (2007) [pdf]
[1] W. Chen, J. Cousin, E. Poullet, J. Burie, D. Boucher, X. Gao, M. W. Sigrist, F. K. Tittel, “Continuous-wave mid-infrared laser sources based on difference frequency generation.” Special Issue ”Optical Parametric Sources in the Infrared”, Comptes Rendus Physique 8: 1129-1150 (2007) [pdf]
[10] T.L. Harman, F.K. Tittel, J.C. Graf, Y. Bakhirkin, “Novel Trace Gas Detection Techniques with Quantum-Cascade Lasers,” ISSO Annual Report Y2005: 29-32 (2006) [PDF]
[9] G. Wysocki, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “Influence of molecular relaxation dynamics on quartz-enhanced photoacoustic detection of CO2 at λ = 2 μm.” Appl. Phys. B 85: 301-306 (2006) [pdf]
[8] F. K. Tittel, D. Weidmann, C. Oppenheimer, L. Gianfrani, “Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for Volcano Monitoring,” OPN 17: 24-31 (2006) [pdf]
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[6] S. G. So, G. Wysocki, J. P. Frantz, F. K. Tittel, “Development of Digital Signal Processor controlled Quantum Cascade Laser based Trace Gas Sensor Technology,” IEEE Sensors J. 6: 1057-1067 (2006) [pdf]
[5] C. Roller, A. Fried, J. G. Walega, P. Weibring, F. K. Tittel, “Advances in hardware, system diagnostics software, and acquisition procedures for high performance airborne tunable diode laser measurements of formaldehyde,” Appl. Phys. B 82: 247-264 (2006) [pdf]
[4] J. H. Miller, Y. A. Bakhirkin, T. Ajtai, F. K. Tittel, C. J. Hill, R. Q. Yang, “Detection Of Formaldehyde Using Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy with an Interband Cascade Laser,” Appl. Phys. B 85: 391-396 (2006) [pdf]
[3] M. R. McCurdy, Y. A. Bakhirkin, F. K. Tittel, “Quantum cascade laser-based integrated cavity output spectroscopy of exhaled nitric oxide,” Appl. Phys. B 85: 445-452 (2006) [pdf]
[2] A. A. Kosterev, T. S. Moseley, F. K. Tittel, “Impact of humidity on quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy based detection of HCN,” Appl. Phys. B. 85: 295-300 (2006) [pdf]
[1] Y. A. Bakhirkin, A. A. Kosterev, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, D. A. Yarekha, L. Hvozdara, M. Giovannini, J. Faist, “Sub-ppbv nitric oxide concentration measurements using cw thermoelectrically cooled quantum cascade laser-based integrated cavity output spectroscopy,” Applied Physics B 82: 149-154 (2006) [pdf]
[8] F. K. Tittel, G. Wysocki, A. A. Kosterev, Y. A. Bakhirkin, “Semiconductor Laser Based Trace Gas Sensor Technology: Recent Advances and Applications,” Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources and Applications: 467-493 (2008) [PDF]
[7] A.A. Kosterev, Y.A. Bakhirkin, F.K. Tittel, “Ultrasensitive gas detection by quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy in the fundamental molecular absorption bands region,” Appl. Phys. B 80: 133-138 (2005) [PDF]
[6] G. Wysocki, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “Spectroscopic trace-gas sensor with rapidly scanned wavelengths of a pulsed quantum cascade laser for in situ NO monitoring of industrial exhaust systems,” App. Phys. B 80: 617-625 (2005) [pdf]
[5] G. Wysocki, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, R. Maulini, J. M. Bulliard, J. Faist, “Widely tunable mode-hop free external cavity quantum cascade laser for high resolution spectroscopic applications,” Appl. Phys. B 81: 769-777 (2005) [pdf]
[4] D. Weidmann, G. Wysocki, C. Oppenheimer, F. K. Tittel, “Development of a compact quantum cascade laser spectrometer for field measurements of CO2 isotopes,” Applied Physics B 80: 255-260 (2005) [pdf]
[3] D. Weidmann, C. Roller, C. Oppenheimer, A. Fried, F. K. Tittel, “Carbon isotopomers measurement using mid-IR tunable laser sources,” Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 41: 293-302 (2005) [pdf]
[2] A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, D. Serebryakov, A. L. Malinovsky, I. Morozov, “Applications of Quartz Tuning Forks in Spectroscopic Gas Sensing,” Rev. Sci. Instr. 76: 1-9 (2005) [pdf]
[1] A. A. Kosterev, Y. A. Bakhirkin, F. K. Tittel, “Ultrasensitive gas detection by quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy in the fundamental molecular absorption bands region,” Applied Physics B 80: 133-138 (2005) [pdf]
[14] D. Weidmann, A.A. Kosterev, F.K. Tittel, N. Ryan, D. McDonald, “Application of a widely electrically tunable diode laser to chemical gas sensing with quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Optics Letters 29: 1837-1839 (2004) [PDF]
[13] G. Wysocki, M. McCurdy, S. So, D. Weidmann, C. Roller, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel, “Pulsed quantum-cascade laser-based sensor for trace-gas detection of carbonyl sulfide,” Applied Optics 43: 32, 6040-6046, (2004) [PDF]
[12] T.L. Harman, F.K. Tittel, J.C. Graf, Y. Bakhirkin, “Novel Trace Gas Detection Techniques with Quantum-Cascade Lasers,” ISSO Annual Report Y2003: 59-65 (2004) [PDF]
[11] G. Wysocki, M. McCurdy, S. So, D. Weidmann, C. Roller, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Pulsed quantum-cascade laser-based sensor for trace-gas detection of carbonyl sulfide,” Applied Optics 43: 6040-6046 (2004) [pdf]
[10] D. Weidmann, F. K. Tittel, T. Aellen, M. Beck, D. Hofstetter, J. Faist, S. Blaser, “Mid-infrared trace-gas sensing with a quasicontinuous-wave Peltier-cooled distributed feedback quantum cascade laser,” Appl. Phys. B 79: 907-913 (2004) [pdf]
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[8] D. Weidmann, A. A. Kosterev, C. Roller, R. F. Curl, M. P. Fraser, F. K. Tittel, “Monitoring of ethylene by a pulsed quantum cascade laser,” Applied Optics 43: 3329-3334 (2004) [pdf]
[7] D. C. Larrabe, G. A. Khodaparast, F. K. Tittel, J. Kono, M. Rochat, and A. Ajili, J. Faist, H. E. Beere, E. H. Linfield, K. Ueda, Y. Nakajima, M. Nakai, S. Sasa, M. Inoue, S. J. Chung, M. B. Santos, “Application of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers to Semiconductor Cyclotron Resonance,” Optics Letters 29: 122-124 (2004) [pdf]
[6] A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “Ammonia detection using quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy with a near-IR telecommunication diode laser,” Applied Optics 43: 6213-6217 (2004) [pdf]
[5] A. A. Kosterev, Y. A. Bakhirkin, F. K. Tittel, S. Blaser, Y. Bonetti, L. Hvozdara, “Photoacoustic phase shift as a chemically selective spectroscopic parameter,” Applied Physics B (Rapid Communications) 78: 673-676 (2004) [pdf]
[4] M. Horstjann, Y.A. Bakhirkin, A.A. Kosterev, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel, C.M. Wong, C.J. Hill, R.Q. Yang, “Formaldehyde sensor using interband cascade laser based quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Appl. Phys. B 79: 799-803 (2004) [pdf]
[3] J. Chen, S. So, H. Lee, M. P. Fraser, R. F. Curl, T. L. Harman, F. K. Tittel, “Atmospheric Formaldehyde Monitoring in the Greater Houston Area in 2002,” Applied Spectroscopy 58: 243-247 (2004) [pdf]
[2] A. Barkan, F. K. Tittel, D. M. Mittelman, R. Dengler, P. H. Siegel, G. Scalari, L. Ajili, J. Faist, H. E. Beere, E. H. Linfield, A. G. Davies, D. A. Richie, “Linewidth and tuning characteristics of THz quantum cascade laser,” Optics Letters 6: 575-577 (2004) [pdf]
[1] Y. A. Bakhirkin, A. A. Kosterev, C. Roller, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Laser based Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy for Biogenic NO Detection,” Applied Optics 43: 2247-2266 (2004) [pdf]
[3] T.L. Harman, F.K. Tittel, J.C. Graf, A.A. Kosterev, “Novel Trace Gas Detection Techniques with Quantum-Cascade Lasers,” ISSO Annual Report Y2002: 27-31 (2003) [PDF]
[2] F.K. Tittel, D. Richter, A Fried, “Mid-Infrared Laser Applications in Spectroscopy,” Solid-State Mid-Infrared Laser Sources, eds. I.T. Sorokina, K.L. Vodopyanov, Topics Appl. Phys. 89, 445-510 (2003) [PDF]
[1] C. Roller, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, K. Uehara, C. Gmachl, D. L. Sivco, “Carbonyl sulfide detection with a thermoelectrically cooled mid-infrared quantum cascade laser,” Optics Letters 28: 2045-2052 (2003) [pdf]
[16] A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, R. F. Curl, M. Rochat, M. Beck, D. Hofstetter, and J. Faist, “Chemical Sensing with pulsed QC-DFB Lasers operating at 15.6 mm,” Applied Physics B 75, 351-357 (2002) [pdf]
[15] A.A. Kosterev and F.K. Tittel, “Chemical sensors based on quantum cascade lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 582-591 (2002) [PDF]
[14] D. Richter, A. Fried, B. P. Wert, J. G. Walega, F. K. Tittel, “Development of a tunable mid-IR difference-frequency laser source for highly-sensitive airborne trace gas detection,” Applied Physics B 75: 281-288 (2002) [pdf]
[13] D. Richter, M. Erdelyi, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, C. Oppenheimer, H. J. Duffell, M. Burton, “Field measurements of volcanic gases using tunable diode laser based mid-infrared and Fourier transform infrared spectrometers,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 37: 171-186 (2002) [pdf]
[12] D. Leleux, R. Claps, W. Chen, F. K. Tittel, T. L. Harman, “Applications of Kalman filtering to real-time trace gas concentration measurements,” Appl. Phys. B 74: 85-93 (2002) [pdf]
[11] A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, R. Köhler, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D. L. Sivco, A. Y. Cho, S. Wehe, M. G Allen, “Thermoelectrically cooled quantum-cascade-laser-based sensor for the continuous monitoring of ambient atmospheric carbon monoxide,” Applied Optics 41: 1169-1173 (2002) [pdf]
[10] A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, W. Durante, M. G. Allen, R. Köhler, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D. L. Sivco, A. Y. Cho, “Detection of biogenic CO production above vascular cell cultures using a near-room-temperature QC-DFB laser,” Applied Phys. B 74: 95-99 (2002) [pdf]
[9] A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, R. F. Curl, M. Rochat, J. Faist, “Chemical sensing applications with long wavelength mid-infrared QC-lasers,” Applied Physics B 75: 351-357 (2002) [pdf]
[8] A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, “Chemical Sensors Based on Quantum Cascade Lasers,” IEEE JQE Special Issue on Quantum Cascade Lasers 38: 582-591 (2002) [pdf]
[7] A. A. Kosterev, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, R. Köhler, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D. L. Sivco, A. Y. Cho, “Transportable automated ammonia sensor based on a pulsed thermoelectrically cooled quantum-cascade distributed feedback laser,” Applied Optics 41: 573-578 (2002) [pdf]
[6] A. A. Kosterev, Y. A. Bakhirkin, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Optics Letters 27: 1902-1904 (2002) [pdf]
[5] S. Friedfeld, M. P Fraser, K. Ensor, S. Tribble, D. Rehle, D. Leleux, F. K. Tittel, “Statistical analysis of primary and secondary atmospheric formaldehyde,” Atmospheric Environment 36: 4767-4775 (2002) [pdf]
[4] M. Erdelyi, D. Richter, F. K. Tittel, “13CO2/12CO2 isotopic ratio measurements using a difference-frequency-based sensor operating at 4.35 μm,” Applied Phys. B 75: 289-295 (2002) [pdf]
[3] R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Tunable infrared laser spectroscopy,” Annu. Rep. Prog. Sect. C 98, 219-272 (2002) [pdf]
[2] W. Chen, D. Boucher, F. K. Tittel, “Recent advances in continuous-wave laser difference-frequency generation in the mid-infrared: State of the art applications and perspectives,” Recent Res. Devel. Applied Phys. 5: 27-68 (2002) [pdf]
[1] Z. Bozoki, A. Mohacsi, G. Szabo, Z. Bor, M. Erdelyi, W. Chen, F. K. Tittel, “Near Infrared Diode Based Spectroscopic Detection of Ammonia: A Comparative Study of Photoacoustic and Direct Optical Absorption Methods,” Applied Spectroscopy 56: 715-719 (2002) [pdf]
[15] A.A. Kosterev, F.K. Tittel, R. Koehler, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D.L. Sivco, A.Y. Cho, S. Wehe, M.G. Allen, “Thermoelectrically cooled quantum-cascade-laser-based sensor for the continuous monitoring of ambient atmospheric carbon monoxide,” Appl. Optics 41: 1169-1173 (2002) [PDF]
[14] T.L. Harman, F.K. Tittel, “Novel Trace Gas Detection Techniques With Quantum-Cascade Lasers,” ISSO Annual Report Y2000: 32-37 (2001) [PDF]
[13] W. Chen, F. Cazier, D. Boucher, F.K. Tittel, P.B. Davies, “Trace Gas Absorption Spectroscopy Using Laser Difference-Frequency Spectrometer for Environmental Application,” Laser Physics 11, 594-599 (2001) [PDF]
[12] D. Richter, M. Erdelyi, F.K. Tittel, “Ultra-compact mid-IR spectroscopic source based on frequency converted Yb – Er/Yb fiber amplified cw diode lasers,” 2001 Advanced Solid State Lasers, Trends in Optics and Photoptics Series (TOPS) 50, 96-100 (2001) [PDF]
[11] R. Claps, D. Leleux, F.V. Englich, F.K. Tittel, M.E. Webber, J.B. Jeffries, R.K. Hanson, “Infrared overtone spectroscopy measurements of ammonia and carbon dioxide in the effluent of a biological water processor,” Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., (01ICES-190) (2001) [PDF]
[10] A.A. Kosterev, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D. L. Sivco, J. N. Baillargeon, A. L. Hutchinson, and A. Y. Cho, “Absorption Spectroscopy with Quantum Cascade Lasers,” Laser Physics 11, 39-49 (2001) [PDF]
[9] Y. Morimoto, W. Durante, D.G. Lancaster, J. Klattenhoff, and F.K. Tittel, “Real-time measurements of endogenous CO production from vascular cells using an ultrasensitive laser sensor,” Am. J. Physical Heart Circ. Physical, 280: H483-H488 (2001) [PDF]
[8] M. E. Webber, R. Claps, F. V. Englich, F. K. Tittel, J. B. Jeffries, R. K. Hanson, “Measurements of NH3 and CO2 with DFB Diode Lasers Near 2.0 μm in Bioreactor Vent Gases,” Applied Optics 40: 4395-4403 (2001) [pdf]
[7] D. Rehle, D. Leleux, M. Erdelyi, F. K. Tittel, M. P. Fraser, S. Friedfeld, “Ambient Formaldehyde Detection with a Laser Spectrometer based on Difference Frequency Generation in PPLN,” Appl. Phys. B 72: 947-952 (2001) [pdf]
[6] Y. Morimoto, W. Durante, D. G. Lancaster, J. Klattenhoff, F. K. Tittel, “Real-time measurement of endogenous CO production from vascular cells using an ultrasensitive laser sensor,” Am. J. Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology 280: 483-488 (2001) [pdf]
[5] L. Menzel, A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D. L. Sivco, J. N. Baillargeon, A. L. Hutchinson, A. Y. Cho, W. Urban, “Spectroscopic detection of biological NO with a quantum cascade laser,” Applied Physics B 72: 859-863 (2001) [pdf]
[4] N. Matsuoka, S. Yamaguchi, K. Nanri, T. Fujioka, D. Richter, F. K. Tittel, “Yb fiber laser pumped min-IR source based on difference frequency generation and its application to ammonia detection,” Jap. J. Appl. Phys 40: 625-628 (2001) [pdf]
[3] A. A. Kosterev, A. L. Malinovsky, F. K. Tittel, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D. L. Sivco, J. N Baillargeon, A. L. Hutchinson, A. Y. Cho, “Cavity ringdown spectroscopic detection of nitric oxide with a continuous-wavequantum-cascade laser,” Applied Optics 40: 5522-5529 (2001) [pdf]
[2] R. Claps, F. V. Englich, D. Leleux, D. Richter, F. K. Tittel, R. F. Curl, “Ammonia detection using near infrared diode laser based overtone spectroscopy,” Applied Optics 40: 4376-4386 (2001) [pdf]
[1] W. Chen, G. Mouret, D. Boucher, F. K. Tittel, “Mid-infrared trace gas detection using Continuous-Wave Difference Frequency Generation in Periodically Poled RbTiOAsO4,” Applied Phys. B 72: 873-876 (2001) [pdf]
[16] F.K. Tittel, “Detection of Trace Gas Contaminants Using Infrared Diode Laser-Based Methods: From the Laboratory Towards Space” (2000) [PDF]
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[14] T.L. Harman, F.K. Tittel, R.F. Curl, J.C. Graf, A.A. Kosterev, “Novel Trace Gas Detection Techniques With Quantum-Cascade Lasers,” ISSO Annual Report Y1999: 24-29 (2000) [PDF]
[13] F.K. Tittel, K.P. Petrov, “Diode Laser Spectroscopic Monitoring of Trace Gases,” in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry: Applications, Theory and Instrumentation, R.A. Myers, ed., 1959-1979 (2000) [PDF]
[12] F.K. Tittel, D.G. Lancaster, D. Richter, “Compact high power mid-IR spectroscopic source based on difference frequency generation in PPLN,” Advanced Solid State Lasers, V. Keller, ed., OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics, 271-274 (2000) [PDF]
[11] F. K. Tittel, D. G. Lancaster, D. Richter, “Novel Diode Laser Based Sensors for Gas Sensing Applications,” Laser Physics 10: pp. 348-354 (2000) [PDF]
[10] D. Richter, F. K. Tittel, J. Bahr, D. Wickham, J. Wright, J. C. Graf, “Diode Laser Based Formaldehyde Measurements in a Catalytic Trace Contaminant Control System,” SAE Technical Paper, 2000-01-2303 (2000) [PDF]
[9] D. Richter, D. G. Lancaster, F. K. Tittel, “Development of an automated diode laser based multi-component gas sensor,” Applied Optics 39: 4444-4450 (2000) [pdf]
[8] J. Limpert, H. Zellmer, S. Tuennermann, D. G. Lancaster, R. Weidner, D. Richter, F. K. Tittel, “Tunable continuous wave DFG-based gas sensor using a fiber amplified 1.5 μm external cavity diode laser and a high power 1 μm diode laser,” Electron. Lett. 36: 1739-1741 (2000) [link]
[7] D. G. Lancaster, A. Fried, B. P. Wert, B. Henry, F. K. Tittel, “Difference-frequency based tunable absorption spectrometer for detection of atmospheric formaldehyde,” Applied Optics 39: 4436-4443 (2000) [pdf]
[6] D. G. Lancaster, R. Weidner, D. Richter, F. K. Tittel, J. Limpert, “Compact CH4 sensor based on difference frequency mixing of diode laser in quasi-phased matched LiNbO3,” Optics Communications 175: 461-468 (2000) [PDF]
[5] A. A. Kosterev, F. K. Tittel, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D. L. Sivco, J. N. Baillargeon, A. L. Hutchinson, A. Y. Cho, “Trace gas detection in ambient air with a thermoelectrically cooled QC-DFB laser,” Applied Optics 39: 6866-6872 (2000) [pdf]
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[3] S. Friedfeld, M. P. Fraser, D. G. Lancaster, D. Leleux, D. Rehle, F. K. Tittel, “Field Intercomparison of a Novel Optical Sensor for Formaldehyde Quantification,” Geophysical Research Letters 27: 2093-2096 (2000) [pdf]
[2] M. Erdelyi, Z. Bor, W. L. Wilson, M. C. Smayling, F. K. Tittel, “Enhanced optical microlithography with a Fabry-Perot-based spatial filtering technique,” Applied Optics 39: 1121-1129 (2000) [pdf]
[1] W. Chen, F. Cazier, F. K. Tittel, D. Boucher, “Benzene concentration measurements using difference frequency laser absorption spectroscopy,” Applied Optics 39: 6238-6242 (2000) [pdf]
[6] D. G. Lancaster, D. Richter, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Diode Lasers, DFG and Molecules,” OSA TOPS – Advanced Semiconductor and Lasers and Their Applications 31: 43-46 (2000) [PDF]
[5] D. Richter, D. G. Lancaster, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Tunable, fiber coupled spectrometer based on difference-frequency generation in periodically poled lithium niobate,” Trends in Optics & Photonics Series (TOPS), in Advanced Solid State Lasers, M.M. Fejer, et al. Ed., Vol. 5, 518-521 (1999) [pdf]
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[3] D. G. Lancaster, D. Richter, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, L. Goldberg, J. Koplow, “High-power continuous-wave mid-infrared radiation generated by difference frequency mixing of diode-laser-seeded fiber amplifiers and its application to dual-beam spectroscopy,” Optics Letters 24: 1744-1746 (1999) [pdf]
[2] A. A. Kosterev, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D. Sivco, J. N. Baillargeon, A. L. Hutchinson, A. Y. Cho, “Methane concentration and isotopic composition measurements with a mid-infrared quantum-cascade laser,” Optics Letters 24: 1762-1764 (1999) [pdf]
[1] M. Erdelyi, Z. Bor, W. L. Wilson, M. C. Smayling, F. K. Tittel, “Simulation of Coherent Multiple Imaging by means of Pupil Plane Filtering in Optical Microlithography,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 16: 1909-1914 (1999) [pdf]
[8] D. Richter, D. G. Lancaster, R. F. Curl, W. Neu, F. K. Tittel, “Compact mid-infrared trace gas sensor based on difference-frequency generation of two diode lasers in periodically poled LiNbO3,” Appl. Phys B – Special Issue: Environmental Trace Gas Detection using Laser Spectroscopy 67: 347-350 (1998) [pdf]
[7] K. P. Petrov, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Compact laser difference-frequency spectrometer for multi-component trace gas detection,” Applied Physics B 66: 531-538 (1998) [pdf]
[6] D. G. Lancaster, D. Richter, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Real-time measurements of trace gases using a compact difference-frequency-based sensor at 3.5 μm,” Appl. Phys B Special Issue: Environmental Trace Gas Detection using Laser Spectroscopy 67: 339-345 (1998) [pdf]
[5] D. G. Lancaster, L. Goldberg, J. Koplow, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Fibre coupled difference frequency generation utilising ytterbium-doped fibre amplifier and periodically poled LiNbO3,” Electron. Lett. 34: 1345-1347 (1998) [PDF]
[4] A. Kroyan, P.G. Watson, R.A. Cirelli, O. Nalamasu, A.E. Novembre, F. K. Tittel, “Subresolution Assist Feature Tolerances for Contact Windows Using 193-nm Lithography,” Proc. SPIE 3546, 18th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management, (1998) [PDF]
[3] A. Kroyan, M. D. Levenson, F. K. Tittel, “Coping with the Impact of Lens Aberrations in the Context of Wavefront Engineering,” Proc. SPIE 3334, Optical Microlithography XI, (1998) [PDF]
[2] L. Goldberg, D. G. Lancaster, J. Koplow, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Mid-infrared difference-frequency generation source pumped by a 1.1-1.5 μm dual-wavelength fiber amplifier for trace gas detection,” Optics Letters 23: 1517-1519 (1998) [pdf]
[1] M. Erdelyi, Z. Bor, G. Szabo, F. K. Tittel, “Enhanced Microlithography using Coated Objectives and Image Duplication,” Proc. SPIE 3334, Optical Microlithography XI, (1998) [PDF]
[16] T. Topfer, K.P. Petrov, Y. Mine, D. Jundt, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel, “Room-temperature mid-infrared laser sensor for trace gas detection,” Applied Optics 36: 8042-8049, (1997) [PDF]
[15] F. K. Tittel, J. R. Cavallaro, M. C. Smayling, M. Erdelyi, G. Szabo, Z. Bor, “High Resolution Microlithography Applications of Deep-UV Excimer Lasers,” SPIE Proceedings 3092, XI International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference, (1997) [PDF]
[14] C. Sengupta, J.R. Cavallaro, W.L. Wilson, F.K. Tittel, “Automated Evaluation of Critical Features in VLSI Layouts Based on Photolithographic Simulations,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 10: 482-494 (1997) [PDF]
[13] T. Toepfer, K. P. Petrov, Y. Mine, D. Jundt, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Room Temperature Mid-Infrared Laser Sensor for Trace Gas Detection,” Applied Optics 36: 8042-8049 (1997) [pdf]
[12] K. P. Petrov, S. Waltman, E. J. Dlugokencky, M. Arbore, M. M. Fejer, F. K. Tittel, L. Hollberg, “Precise measurement of methane in air using diode-pumped 3.4 μm difference-frequency generation in PPLN,” Applied Physics B 64: 567-571 (1997) [PDF]
[11] Y. Mine, N. Melander, D. Richter, D. G. Lancaster, K. P. Petrov, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Detection of formaldehyde using mid-infrared difference frequency generation,” Applied Physics B 65: 771-774 (1997) [pdf]
[10] M. Erdelyi, G. Szabo, Z. Bor, F. K. Tittel, J. R. Cavallaro, “Generation of Nearly Nondiffracting Bessel Beams with Fabry-Perot Interferometer,” JOSA A 14: 3009-3013 (1997) [PDF]
[9] M. Erdelyi, Z. L. Horvath, G. Szabo, Z. Bor, F. K. Tittel, J. R. Cavallaro, M. C. Smayling, “Generation of Diffraction-Free Beams for Applications in Optical Microlithography,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 15: 287-292 (1997) [pdf]
[8] M. Erdelyi, Z. L. Horvath, Z. Bor, G. Szabo, J. R. Cavallaro, M. C. Smayling, F. K. Tittel, “Optical Microlithography with Nearly Nondiffracting Beams,” Proc. SPIE 3051, Optical Microlithography X, (1997) [PDF]
[7] J. R. Cavallaro, C. Sengupta, W. L. Wilson, F. K. Tittel, “Automated Evaluation of Critical Features in VLSI Layouts Based on a Photolithographic Simulation,” IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing 10: 482-494 (1997) [PDF]
[6] S.P. Lin, L.H. Wang, S.L. Jacques, F.K. Tittel, “Measurement of tissue optical properties using oblique incidence optical fiber reflectometry,” Applied Optics 36, 136-143 (1997) [pdf]
[5] A.A. Oraevsky, S.L. Jacques, F.K. Tittel, “Measurement of tissue optical properties by time-resolved detection of laser-induced transient stress,” Applied Optics 36, 402-415 (1997) [pdf]
[4] U. Simon, F.K. Tittel, “Nonlinear optical frequency conversion techniques,” Experimental Methods of Physical Sciences, Academic Press 29C, 231-278 (1997) [PDF]
[3] Z.L. Horvath, M. Erdelyi, G. Szabo, Zs. Bor, F.K. Tittel, J.R. Cavallaro, “Generation of nearly nondiffracting bessel beams with Fabry-Perot interferometer,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A14, 3009-3013 (1997) [pdf]
[2] T. Töpfer, K.P. Petrov, Y. Mine, D. Jundt, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel, “Room temperature mid-infrared laser sensors for trace gas detection,” Applied Optics 36, 8042-8049 (1997) [pdf]
[1] L. Rinat, O. Esenaliev, A.A. Karabutov, F.K. Tittel, B.D. Fornage, S. Thomsen, C. Stelling, A.A. Oraevsky, “Laser optoacoustic imaging for breast cancer diagnostics: limit of detection and comparison with x-ray and ultrasound imaging,” SPIE Proceedings of Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue 2979, 71-82 (1997) [pdf]
[11] R. Esenaliev; A. Oraevsky; S. Jacques; and Frank K. Tittel, “Laser opto-acoustic tomography for medical diagnostics: experiments with biological tissues” Published in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2676: (1996) [PDF]
[10] A. Oraevsky; R. Esenaliev; M. Ostermeyer; L. Wang; S. Jacques, and Frank K. Tittel, “Laser optoacoustic imaging of turbid media: determination of optical properties by comparison with diffusion theory and Monte Carlo simulation” Published in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2681:(1996) [PDF]
[9] R. Esenaliev; A. Oraevsky; S. Jacques; and Frank K. Tittel, “Effect of tensile stress amplitude and temporal characteristics on threshold of cavitation-driven ablation” Published in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2681:(1996) [PDF]
[8] A.A. Oraevsky A.A., R. O. Esenaliev, S. L. Jacques and F. K. Tittel, “Breast Cancer Diagnostics by Laser Optoacoustic Tomography,” in Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration, Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, Washington DC), pp.160-162 (1996) [PDF]
[7] A.A. Oraevsky A.A., R. O. Esenaliev, S. L. Jacques and F. K. Tittel, “Breast Cancer Diagnostics by Laser Opto-Acoustic Tomography, ” in Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration, ed. by Robert R. Alfano, Academic Press, pp.316-321, (1996)
[6] A.A. Oraevsky, S.L. Jacques, R.O. Esenaliev, and F.K. Tittel, “Pulsed Laser Ablation of Soft Tissues, Gels, and Aqueous Solutions at Temperatures Below 100°C,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 18: 231-240 (1996) [PDF]
[5] F.K. Tittel, “Spectroscopic Sources: difference-frequency generation creates 8.7-micron output,” Laser Focus World, (1996) [PDF]
[4] F.K. Tittel, M. Erdelyi, C. Sengupta, Z. Bor, G. Szabo, J.R. Cavallaro, M.C. Smayling, W.L. Wilson, “Ultrahigh Resolution Lithography with Excimer Lasers”, Gas Lasers – Recent Developments and Future Prospects: 263-272. (1996) W.J. Witteman and V.N. Ochkin (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers [PDF]
[3] K.P. Petrov, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel, W.K. Burns, L. Goldberg, “Detection of CO in air by diode-pumped 4.6-microns difference-frequency generation in quasi-phase-matched LiNbO3”, Optics Letters, 21, 86-88 (1996) [PDF]
[2] K. P. Petrov, R. F. Curl, L. Goldberg, F.K. Tittel, “Continuous-wave tunable 8.7 μm spectroscopic source pumped by fiber-coupled communications lasers,” Optics Letters 21: 1451-1453 (1996) [PDF]
[1] W. C. Eckoff, R. .S Putnam, S. Wang, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “A Continuously Tunable Long Wavelength cw IR Source for High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Trace Gas Detection,” Applied Physics B 63: 437-437 (1996) [PDF]
[8] Oraevsky, A. A., Esenaliev, R. O., Jacques, S., Thomsen, S. L., & Tittel, F. K. (1995). Lateral and z-axial resolution in laser optoacoustic imaging with ultrasonic transducers. In B. Chance, & R. R. Alfano (Eds.), Optical Tomography, Photon Migration, and Spectroscopy of Tissue and Model Media: Theory, Human Studies, and Instrumentation (Vol. 2389, pp. 198-208). SPIE. [PDF]
[7] Oraevsky, A. A., Jacques, S., Esenaliev, R. O., & Tittel, F. K. (1995). Direct measurement of laser fluence distribution and optoacoustic imaging in heterogeneous tissues. In Laser Interaction with Hard and Soft Tissue II (Vol. 2323, pp. 37-46). SPIE. [PDF]
[6] U. Simon, F.K. Tittel, “Recent Progress in Tunable Nonlinear Optical Devices for Infrared Spectroscopy,” Infrared Phys. Technol. 36: 427-438 (1995) [PDF]
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[4] U. Simon, S. Waltman, I. Loa, F.K. Tittel, L. Hollberg, “External-cavity difference-frequency source near 3.2 mm, based on combining a tunable diode laser with a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser in AgGaS2,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 12: 323-327 (1995) [PDF]
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[2] M. Kido, G. Szabo, J. R. Cavallaro, W. L. Wilson, M. C. Smayling, F. K. Tittel, “Submicron Optical Lithography Based on a New Interferometric Phase Shifting Technique,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 34: 4269-4273 (1995) [PDF]
[1] M. Erdelyi, Z. Bor, F. K. Tittel, J. R. Cavallaro, G. Szabo, W. L. Wilson, C. Sengupta, “Enhanced Microlithography Using Combined Phase Shifting and Off-Axis Illumination,” Jap. J. Appl. Physics 34: L1629-L1631 (1995) [PDF]
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[3] A.A. Oraevsky, S. L. Jacques, R. O. Esenaliev, and F. K. Tittel, “Imaging in layered tissues using time-resolved detection of laser-induced stress transients.” SPIE Proc., Vol. 2134, p.122-128, 1994.
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[1] F.K. Tittel, “New Opportunities in Infrared Laser Spectroscopy,” J. Laser Sci. and Tech. 8, 24-42 (1994) [PDF]
[8] E. S. Fry, X. Li, D. Nikonov, G.G. Padmabandu, M. O. Scully, A. V. Smith, F. K. Tittel, C. Wang, S. R. Wilkinson, and S.Y. Zhu, “Atomic Coherence Effects within the Sodium D1 Line: Lasing without Inversion via Population Trapping,” Physical Review Letters Vol. 70, 21, 3235-3238 (1993) [PDF]
[7] K. Mossavi, Th. Hofmann, F.K. Tittel, G. Szabo, “Ultrahigh-brightness, femtosecond ArF excimer laser system,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 62: 1203-1205 (1993) [PDF]
[6] K. Mossavi, Th. Hofmann, G. Szabo, F.K. Tittel, “Femtosecond gain characteristics of the discharge-pumped ArF excimer amplifier,” Optics Letters 18: 435-437 (1993) [PDF]
[5] Th. Hofmann and F.K. Tittel, “Wideband-Tunable High-Power Radiation by SRS of a XeF (C->A) Excimer Laser”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 29: 970-974 (1993) [PDF]
[4] A.A. Oraevsky, S.L. Jacques, G.H. Pettit, R.A. Sauerbrey, F.K. Tittel, J.H. Nguy, P.D. Henry, “XeCI Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Atherosclerotic Arteries: Spectral Similarities Between Lipid-Rich Lesions and Peroxidized Lipoproteins,” Circulation Research, 72, 84-90 (1993) [PDF]
[3] U. Simon, F. K. Tittel, L. Goldberg, “Difference-frequency mixing in AgGaS2 by use of a high-power GaAlAs tapered semiconductor amplifier at 860 nm”, Opt. Lett. 18: 1931-1933 (1993) [PDF]
[2] U. Simon, C. E. Miller, C. C. Bradley, R. G. Hulet, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Difference-frequency generation in AgGaS2 by use of single-mode diode-laser pump sources”, Opt. Lett. 18: 1062-1064 (1993) [PDF]
[1] U. Simon, Z. Benko, M. W. Sigrist, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Design considerations of an infrared spectrometer based on difference-frequency generation in AgGaSe2”, Appl. Opt. 32: 6650-6655 (1993) [PDF]
[7] Lihong Wang, L.P.F. Chibante, F.K. Tittel, R.F. Curl and R.E. Smalley, “Isomers of Gallium Aresenide Cluster Ions'” Chemical Physics Letter, 194, 3, 217-222, (1992) [PDF]
[6] P. Canarelli, Z. Benko, A.H. Hielscher, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel, “Measurement of Nonlinear Coeffiecient and Phase Matching Characteristics of AgGaS2,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 28: 52-55 (1992) [PDF]
[5] F.K. Tittel, Th. Hofmann, T.E. Sharp, P.J. Wisoff, W.L. Wilson, Jr., G. Szabo, “Blue-Green Dye Laser Seeded Operation of a Terawatt Excimer Amplifier,” Topics in Applied Physics 70, 141-152 (1992) [PDF]
[4] Th. Hofmann, T.E. Sharp, C.B. Dane, P.J. Wisoff, W.L. Wilson, Jr., F.K. Tittel, G. Szabo, “Characterization of an Ultrahigh Peak Power XeF (C->A) Excimer Laser System,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 28, 1366-1375 (1992) [PDF]
[3] Th. Hofmann, K. Mossavi, F.K. Tittel, G. Szabo, “Spectrally compensated sum-frequency mixing scheme for generation of broadband radiation at 193 nm,” Optics Letters 17: 1691-1693 (1992) [PDF]
[2] A. H. Hielscher, C. E. Miller, D. C. Bayard, K. P. Smolka, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, “Optimization of a midinfrared high-resolution difference-frequency laser spectrometer”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 9: 1962-1967 (1992) [PDF]
[1] P. Canarelli, Z. Benko, R. Curl, F.K. Tittel, “Continuous-wave infrared laser spectrometer based on difference frequency generation in AgGaS2 for high-resolution spectroscopy,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 9: 197-202 (1992) [PDF]
[6] Th. Hofmann, F.K. Tittel, “Tunable High Power Excimer Lasers”, Physics and Technology pg 97-106″ (1991) [PDF]
[5] Th. Hofmann, S. Yamaguchi, C.B. Dane, W.L. Wilson, Jr., R. Sauerbrey, F.K. Tittel, R.A. Rubino, W.L. Nighan, “Wavelength-agile operation of an injection-controlled XeF (C->A) laser system,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 565-567 (1991) [PDF]
[4] S. Yamaguchi, Th. Hofmann, C.B. Dane, R. Sauerbrey, W.L. Wilson, Jr., F.K. Tittel, “Repetitively Pulsed Operation of an Injection-Controlled High-Power XeF (C->A) Excimer Laser,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 27, 259-262 (1991) [PDF]
[3] T.E. Sharp, C.B. Dane, D. Barber, F.K. Tittel, P.J. Wisoff, G. Szabo, “Tunable, High-Power, Subpicosecond Blue-Green Dye Laser System with a Two-Stage Dye Amplifier,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 27, 1221-1227 (1991) [PDF]
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[1] H. Phillips, S. Kubodera, R. Sauerbrey, F. K. Tittel, P. J. Wisoff, “Characterization of Plasmas from a Pulsed Jet Discharge for Applications to VUV Spectroscopy and Micromechanics,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 27, 95-100 (1991) [PDF]
[X] F.K. Tittel and Th. Hofmann, “ Tunable high power excimer lasers physics and technology” The Kyung Hee J. of Laser Engineering 2, 97-106, 1991)
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[6] G.H. Pettit, R. Pini, F.K. Tittel, R. Sauerbrey, M. P. Sartori, P.D. Henry, “Excimer Laser Induced Autofluorescence from Arteriosclerotic Human Arteries,” Lasers in the Life Sciences 3, 205-215 (1990) [PDF]
[5] C.B. Dane, S. Yamaguchi, Th. Hofmann, R. Sauerbrey, W.L. Wilson, Jr., F.K. Tittel, “Spectral characteristics of an injection-controlled XeF(C→A) excimer laser”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 2604-2606 (1990) [PDF]
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[2] R.F. Curl, Kermit K. Murray, Michael Petri, Marilyn L. Richnow and Frank K. Tittel, “Infrared Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Transient Molecules,” Chemical Physics Letters, 161, 2, 98-102 (1989) []
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[8] C. Brent Dane, D.R. Lander, R.F. Curl and F. K. Tittel, “Infrared flash kinetic spectroscopy of HCO,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 88, 4, 2121 (1988) [PDF]
[7] Q.L. Zhang, Y. Liu, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel and R.E. Smalley, “Photodissociation of semiconductor positive cluster ions,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 88, 3, 1670 (1988) [PDF]
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[4] N. Hamada, R.A. Sauerbrey, F.K. Tittel, “Analytical Model for Injection-Controlled Excimer Laser Amplifiers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 24, 2458-2466 (1988) [PDF]
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[2] S. Kubodera, P.J. K. Wisoff, F. K. Tittel, R.A. Sauerbrey, “ Coupling of high power UV laser radiation into fused silica fibers using pressurized gases”, Appl. Optics 27, 1638-1640 (1988) [PDF]
[1] M. Sartori, D. Weilbaecher, G. L. Valderrama, S. Kubodera, R. C. Chin, M.J. Berry, F. K. Tittel, R. Sauerbrey, P.D. Henry, “ Laser Induced Autofluorescenece of Human Arteries”, Circulation Research, 63, 1053-1059 (1988) [PDF]
[5] R. Sauerbrey, Y. Zhu, P. Millar, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., “Improved laser pumping by intense electron beams via a backscattering reflector,” J. Appl. Phys. 61, 4740-4743 (1987) [PDF]
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[3] C.B. Dane, R. Brueggemann, R.F. Curl, J.V.V. Kasper, F.K. Tittel, “Multiwavenumber linearized diode laser spectra by overlapping frequency scans,” Applied Optics 26, 95-98 (1987) [PDF]
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[7] G.B. Shinn, F. Steigerwald, H. Stiegler, R. Sauerbrey, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., “Excimer laser photoablation of silicon,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 4, 1273-1277 (1986) [PDF]
[6] R. Sauerbrey, Y. Zhu, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., “Optical emission and kinetic reactions of a four-atomic rare gas halide exciplex: Ar3F,” J. Chem. Phys. 85, 1299-1302 (1986) [PDF]
[5] J.H. Hall, D. Zeitz, J.W. Stephens, J.V.V. Kasper, G.P. Glass, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel, “Studies of the NH2 + NO Reaction by Infrared Kinetic Spectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. 90, 2501-2505 (1986) [PDF]
[4] S.C. O’Brien, Y. Liu, Q. Zhang, J.R. Heath, F.K. Tittel, R.F. Curl, R.E. Smalley, “Supersonic cluster beams of III-V semiconductors: GaxAsy,” J. Chem. Phys. 84, 4074-4079 (1986) [PDF]
[3] R.A. Sauerbrey, W.L. Nighan, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., J. Kinross-Wright, “Simultaneous Multiwavelength Operation of a Commercial Rare Gas Halide Laser,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-22, 230-233 (1986) [PDF]
[2] F. K. Tittel, G. Marowsky, W. L. Nighan, Y. Zhu, R. A. Sauerbrey, W. L. Wilson Jr, “Injection-controlled tuning of an electron-beam excited XeF(C->A) laser,” IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics QE-22, 2168-2173 (1986) [PDF]
[1] Liu, S.C. O’Brien, Q. Zhang, J.R. Heath, F.K. Tittel, R.F. Curl, H.W. Kroto, R.E. Smalley, “Negative Carbon Cluster Ion Beams: New Evidence For The Special Nature Of C60”, Chemical Physics Letters 126, 215–217 (1986) [PDF]
[10] W.L. Wilson, Jr., F.K. Tittel, W. Nighan, “Broadband Tunable Excimer Lasers,” IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, 55-62 (1985) [PDF]
[9] J.L. Hall, D. Zeitz, J.W. Stephens, R.F. Curl, J.V.V. Kasper, F.K. Tittel, “Kinetic Spectroscopy Using a Color Center Laser,” Laser Spectroscopy VII. Springer Series in Optical Sciences 49, Hänsch T.W., Shen Y.R. (eds), Berlin, Heidelberg (1985) [Article Link]
[8] J.R. Heath, S.C. O’Brien, Q. Zhang, Y. Liu, R.F. Curl, H.W. Kroto, F.K. Tittel, R.E. Smalley, “Lanthanum Complexes of Spheroidal Carbon Shells,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107, 7779-7780 (1985) [PDF]
[7] J.R. Heath, Y. Liu, S.C. O’Brien, Q. Zhang, R.F. Curl, R.E. Smalley, “Semiconductor cluster beams: One and two color ionization studies of Six and Gex,” J. Chem. Phys. 83, 5520-5526 (1985) [PDF]
[6] G. Marowsky, N. Nishida, H. Stiegler, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., Y. Zhu, W.L. Nighan, “Efficient narrow spectral output in the blue-green region from an injection-controlled electron-beam excited XeF (C->A) laser,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 657-660 (1985) [PDF]
[5] R. Sauerbrey, Y. Zhu, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., N. Nishida, F. Emmert, W.L. Nighan, “Simultaneous UV/Visible Laser Oscillation on the B->X and C->A XeF Excimer Transitions,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-21, 418-420 (1985) [PDF]
[4] J.L. Hall, H. Adams, J.V.V. Kasper, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel, “Color-center laser kinetic spectroscopy: observation of the a1Δ NH vibrational fundamental,” J. OSA B 2, 781-785 (1985) [PDF]
[3] R. Sauerbrey, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., Y. Zhu, “The displacement reactions of the triatomic rare gas halide excimers,” J. Chem. Phys. 82, 2507-2508 (1985) [PDF]
[2] H. Adams, J.L. Hall, L.A. Russell, J.V.V. Kasper, F.K. Tittel, R.F. Curl, Jr., “Color-center laser spectroscopy of transient species produced by excimer-laser flash photolysis,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2, 776-780 (1985) [PDF]
[1] G. Marowksy, N. Nishida, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Y. Zhu, “Wideband Tuning of the Blue-Green XeF (C->A) Laser,” Appl. Phys. B 37, 205-207 (1985) [PDF]
[3] Y. Nachshon, F.K. Tittel, “A New Blue-Green XeF (C->A) Excimer Laser Amplifier Concept,” Applied Physics B 35, 227-231 (1984) [PDF]
[2] W.L. Nighan, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., N. Nishida, Y. Zhu, R. Sauerbrey, “Synthesis of rare gas-halide mixtures resulting in efficient XeF (C->A) laser oscillation,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 45, 947-949 (1984) [PDF]
[1] Y. Nachshon, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., W.L. Nighan
[5] G. Marowsky, F. K. Tittel, W. L. Wilson, Jr. and R. Sauerbrey, “Experimental Study of Chlorine Donors for the Triatomic Exciplex Xe2Cl,” American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings 100, 334-340 (1983) [PDF]
[4] G. Marowsky, R. Sauerbrey, F. K. Tittel and W. L. Wilson, Jr. “Effect of Chlorine Donors on the Formation and Quenching of the Triatomic Excimer Xe2Cl*,” Chemical Physics Letters 98, 2, 167-171 (1983) [PDF]
[3] A.A. Oraevsky, S.L. Jacques, G.H. Pettit, R.A. Sauerbrey, F.K. Tittel, J.H. Nguy, P.D. Henry, “XeCl laser-induced fluorescence of atherosclerotic arteries. Spectral similarities between lipid-rich lesions and peroxidized lipoproteins,” Circ. Res: 72, 84-90 (1983) [PDF]
[2] D.W. Brady, M.J. Wiener, G.J. Schroepfer, F.K. Tittel, “Four Provost’s Lectures set,” On Campus- Rice University, 8, 1 (1983) [PDF]
[1] R. Sauerbrey, W. Walter, F. K. Tittel, W. Wilson, “Kinetic processes of electron beam generated xenon fluoride (XeF* and Xe2F*) excimers”, J. Chem. Phys. 78, 735 (1983) [PDF]
[7] W. L. Wilson, Jr., R. A. Williams, R. Sauerbrey, F. K. Tittel and G. Marowsky, “Formation and Quenching kinetics of electron beam excited Xe2Br*” J. Chem. Phys. 77 (4), 1830-1836 (1982) [PDF]
[6] F. K. Tittel, W. L. Wilson, Jr., and R. A. Williams, “Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission Characteristics of the Excimer Xe2Br,” XIIth International Quantum Electronics Conference 1982 [PDF]
[5] W. Walter, R. Sauerbrey, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson Jr, “Emission spectrum and quenching kinetics of Xe2F*,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 387-389 (1982) [PDF]
[4] R. Sauerbrey, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson Jr, W.L. Nighan, “Effect of Nitrogen on XeF(C→A) and Xe2CI Laser Performance,” IEEE J. Quantum Electronics QE-18, 1336-1340 (1982) [PDF]
[3] J.V.V. Kasper, C.R. Pollock, R.F. Curl, Jr., F.K. Tittel, “Computer control of broadly tunable lasers: conversion of a color center laser into a high resolution laser spectrometer,” Applied Optics 21, 236-247 (1982) [PDF]
[2] W. Walter, R. Sauerbrey, F. K. Tittel, W. Wilson, “Emission spectrum and quenching kinetics xenon fluoride excimer (Xe2F*)”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 387 (1982) [PDF]
[1] G. Marowsky, G. P . Glass, F. K. Tittel, K. Hohla, W. L. Wilson, H. Webber, “Formation Kinetics of the Triatomic Excimer Ar2F*,” IEEE J. Quantum Electronic. QE-18 898 (1982) [PDF]
[8] R.F. Curl, Jr., J.V.V. Kasper, P.G. Carrick, E. Koester, F.K. Tittel, “High Sensitivity Color Central Laser Spectroscopy,” Laser Spectroscopy V, 346-350 (1981) [PDF]
[7] F.K. Tittel, G. Marowsky, W.L. WIlson, Jr., M.C. Smayling, “Electron Beam Pumped Broad-Band Diatomic and Triatomic Excimer Lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-17, 2268-2281 (1981) [PDF]
[6] J. Liegal, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., G. Marowsky, “Continuous broadband tuning of an electron-beam-pumped XeF (C->A) laser,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 39, 369-371 (1981) [PDF]
[5] G. Marowsky, G.P. Glass, M. Smayling, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., “Dominant formation and quenching kinetics of electron beam pumped Xe2Cl,” J. Chem. Phys. 75, 1153-1158 (1981) [PDF]
[4] J.V.V. Kasper, C.R. Pollock, R.F. Curl, Jr., F.K. Tittel, “Obsevation of the 2P1/2<–2P3/2 transition of the Br atom by color center laser spectroscopy,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 77, 211-213 (1981) [PDF]
[3] G. Marowsky, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., “Intense electron-beam excitation of organic dye vapors,” J. Appl. Phys. 52, 61-65 (1981) [PDF]
[2] G. Marowsky, M. Munz, F.K. Tittel, “Excimer Laser Gain by Pulse Shape Analysis,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-17, 1281-1285 (1981) [PDF]
[1] G.P. Glass, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., M.S. Smayling, G. Marowsky, “Quenching Kinetics of Electron Beam Pumped XeCl,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 83, 585-589 (1981) [PDF]
[8] G. Marowsky, F.K. Tittel, W. L. Wilson, and E. Frenkel, “Laser gain measurements by means of a,plified spontaneous emission,” Applied Optics 19, 1, 138-143 (1980) [PDF]
[7] G. Litfin, C.R. Pollock, J.V.V. Kasper, R.F. Curl, F.K. Tittel, “Computer Controlled IR Spectrometer Using a Color Center Laser,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-16, 1154-1157 (1980) [PDF]
[6] W.E. Ernst, F.K. Tittel, “XeF laser characteristics studied at elevated temperatures,” J. Appl. Phys. 51, 2432-2435 (1980) [PDF]
[5] C.M. Marshall, R.E. Stickel, F.B. Dunning, F.K. Tittel, “Computer controlled intracavity SHG in a cw ring dye laser,” Applied Optics 19, 1980-1983 (1980) [PDF]
[4] D.A. Woodbury, F. Davidson, T.A. Rabson, F.K. Tittel, “Hologram characterization in an optical memory experiment using photorefractive LiNbO3,” Applied Optics 19, 812-817 (1980) [PDF]
[3] F. K. Tittel, M. Smayling, W. L. Wilson, G. Marowsky, “Blue laser action by the rare-gas halide trimer Kr2F,” Applied Physics Letters. 37, 862 (1980) [PDF]
[2] F. K. Tittel, W. L. Wilson, R. E. Stickel, G. Marowsky, W. E. Ernst, “A triatomic Xe2Cl excimer laser in the visible,” Applied Physics Letters 36, 405-407 (1980) [PDF]
[1] G. Litfin, C.R. Pollock, R.F. Curl Jr., F.K. Tittel, “Sensitivity enhancement of laser absorption spectroscopy by magnetic rotation effect,” J. Chem. Phys. 72, 6602-6605 (1980) [PDF]
[8] P.J. Epton, W.L. Wilson, Jr., F.K. Tittel, T.A. Rabson, “Mixing of Submillimeter Wave Radiation in Metal-Metal and Metal-Semiconductor Point Contact Diodes,” Infrared Physics 19, 335-340 (1979) [PDF]
[7] D.A. Woodbury, T.A. Rabson, F.K. Tittel, “Hologram indexing in LiNbO3 with a tunable pulsed laser source,” Applied Optics 18, 2555-2558 (1979) [PDF]
[6] G. Marowsky, G.P. Glass, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., “Energy Transfer from Electron-Beam Excited Argon to Nitrogen and POPOP Dye Vapor,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 67, 243-247 (1979) [PDF]
[5] W.E. Ernst, F.K. Tittel, “A new electron-beam pumped XeF laser at 486 nm,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 35, 36-37 (1979) [PDF]
[4] P.J. Epton, W.L. Wilson, Jr., F.K. Tittel, T.A. Rabson, “Frequency measurement of the formic acid laser 311 µm line,” Applied Optics 18, 1704-1705 (1979) [PDF]
[3] S. Blit, E.G. Weaver, F.K. Tittel, “Wavelength temperature and angle bandwidths in SHG of focused beams in nonlinear crystals,” Applied Optics 18, 733-736 (1979) [PDF]
[2] R.S. Lowe, H. Gerhardt, W. Dillenschneider, R.F. Curl, Jr., F.K. Tittel, “Intermodulated fluorescence spectroscopy of BO2 using a stabilized dye laser,” J. Chem. Phys. 70, 42-49 (1979) [PDF]
[1] C.R. Pollock, J. Kasper, G.K. Ernst, W.E. Ernst, S. Blit, F.K. Tittel, “Computer Controlled cw Laser Spectrometer,” Applied Optics 18, 1907-1912 (1979) [PDF]
[10] G. Marowsky, R. Cordray, F.K.Tittel, C.B.Collins, “Intense laser emission from electron-beam-pumped ternary mixtures of AR, N2 and POPOP vapor”, Appl. Phys. Lett.33, 59-61 (1978) [PDF]
[9] G. Marowsky, R. Cordray, F.K.Tittel, W.L.Wilson, C.B.Collins, “High temperature studies of electron-beam pumped argon –nitrogen laser characteristics”, IEEE J. Quant. Electron. QE-14, 434-436 (1978) [PDF]
[8] W. Heudorfer, G. Marowsky, F.K. Tittel, “Optical Gain and Saturation Considerations of Organic Dyes,” Z. Naturforsch 33a, 1062-1068 (1978) [PDF]
[7] R.E. Stickel, Jr., S. Blit, G.F. Hildebrandt, E.D. Dahl, F.B. Dunning, F.K. Tittel, “Generation of coherent cw radiation tunable from 211 nm to 216 nm,” Applied Optics 17, 2270 (1978) [PDF]
[6] D.M. Kim, J.G. Gallagher Jr., T.A. Rabson, F.K. Tittel, “Intensity Enhanced Bulk Photovoltaic Effects in LiNbO3:Fe*”, Appl. Phys. 17, 413-416 (1978) [PDF]
[5] S. Blit, F.K. Tittel, “A Convenient Cell for Angle Tuned Nonlinear Optical Crystals,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-14, 329-330 (1978) [PDF]
[4] G. Marowsky, R. Cordray, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., “Superradiant emission from electron-beam-excited POPOP vapor,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 32, 561-563 (1978) [PDF]
[3] D.M. Kim, G. Marowsky, F.K. Tittel, “Feedback Controlled Self-Excitation of Optical Pulses in a CW Dye Ring Laser,” Appl. Phys. 15, 59-63 (1978) [PDF]
[2] G. Marowsky, R. Cordray, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., “Versatile high-temperature high-pressure vapor cell design for electron beam excited laser studies,” Applied Optics 17, 3491-3495 (1978) [PDF]
[1] G. Marowsky, F.K Tittel, “A Technique for Studying the Absorption Characteristics of Electron Beam Excited Gas Plasmas by Organics Dye Vapors,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-14, 646-647 (1978) [PDF]
[5] T.A. Rabson, D.M. Kim, F.K. Tittel, “Electric Field and Photocurrent Considerations in Photorefractive Memory Materials,” SPIE 123 Optical Storage Materials and Methods, 67-71 (1977) [PDF]
[4] D.M. Kim, T.A. Rabson, R.R. Shah, F.K. Tittel, “Photorefractive Materials for Optical Storage and Display,” Optical Engineering 16, 189-196 (1977) [PDF]
[3] G. Marowsky, R. Cordray, F. Tittel, B. Wilson, J.W. Keto, “Energy transfer processes in electron beam excited mixtures of laser dye vapors with rare gases,” J. Chem. Phys. 67, 4845-4849 (1977) [PDF]
[2] G. Marowsky, R. Cordray, F.K. Tittel, W.L. Wilson, Jr., J.W. Keto, “Electron Beam Excitation Studies of Potential Dye Vapor Phase Laser Systems,” Appl. Phys. 12, 245-252 (1977) [PDF]
[1] P.J. Epton, W.L. Wilson, Jr., F.K. Tittel, “Interaction of Microwave Biased n-GaAs and 337 µm Radiation,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-13, 409-412 (1977) [PDF]
[3] G. W. Hills, D. L. Philen, R. F. Curl Jr., F. K. Tittel, “Saturation Spectroscopy on NH2 Using A CW Dye Laser,” Chemical Physics 12, 107-111 (1976) [PDF]
[2] G. Marowsky, F.P. Schaefer, J.W. Keto, F.K. Tittel, “Fluorescence Studies of Electron-Beam Pumped POPOP Dye Vapor,” Appl. Phys. 9, 143-146 (1976) [PDF]
[1] R.R. Shah, D.M. Kim, T.A. Rabson, F.K. Tittel, “Characterization of iron-doped lithium niobate for holographic storage applications,” J. Appl. Phys. 47, 5421-5431 (1976) [PDF]
[2] J.D. Crowley, W.L. Wilson, Jr., F.K. Tittel, T.A. Rabson, “A Microwave Biased GaAs Submillimeter Detection System,” Infrared Physics 16, 225-232 (1975) [PDF]
[1] G. Marowsky, F.K. Tittel, F.P. Schaefer, “Prism Tuner for Single Frequency Operation of a cw Dye Laser,” Optics Communications 13, 100-103 (1975) [PDF]
[2] P. Shah, T.A. Rabson, F.K. Tittel, T.K. Gaylord, “Volume holographic recording and storage in Fe-doped LiNbO3 using optical pulses,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 25, 130-131 (1974) [PDF]
[1] G. Marowsky, F.K. Tittel, “Single Mode Operation of a Tunable cw Dye Laser,” Appl. Phys. 5. 181-182 (1974) [PDF]
[9] P.J. Sperry, K.D. Ansevin, F.K. Tittel, “Inductive Role of the Nerve Cord in Regeneration of Isolated Postpharyngeal Body Sections of Dugesia dorotocephala,” J. Exp. Zool. 186, 159-174 (1973) [PDF]
[8] F.B. Dunning, F.K. Tittel, R.F. Stebbings, “The Generation of Tunable Coherent Radiation in the Wavelength Range 2300-3000 A Using Lithium Formate Monohydride,” Optics Communications 7, 181-183 (1973) [PDF]
[7] C.D. Decker, F.K. Tittel, “Difference Frequency Generation by Optical Mixing of Two Dye Lasers in Proustite,” Optics Communications 8, 244-247 (1973) [PDF]
[6] T.K. Gaylord, F.K. Tittel, “Angular selectivity of lithium niobate volume holograms,” J. Appl. Phys. 44, 4771-4773 (1973) [PDF]
[5] C.D. Decker, F.K. Tittel, “High-power broadly tunable difference-frequency generation in proustite,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 22, 411-413 (1973) [PDF]
[4] J.M. Green, J.P. Hohimer, F.K. Tittel, “A High-Resolution CW Dye Laser Spectrometer,” Optics Communications 9, 407-411 (1973) [PDF]
[3] T.K. Gaylord, T.A. Rabson, F.K. Tittel, C.R. Quick, “Self-enhancement of LiNbO3 Holograms,” J. of Appl. Phys. 44, 896-897 (1973) [PDF]
[2] T.K. Gaylord, T.A. Rabson, F.K. Tittel, C.R. Quick, “Pulsed Writing of a Solid State Holograms,” Applied Optics 12, 414-415 (1973) [PDF]
[1] C. D. Decker, F. K. Tittel, “Broadly Tunable, Narrow Linewidth Dye Laser Emission in the Near Infrared,” Optics Communications 7,155-157 (1973) [PDF]
[7] D.M. Kim, T.J. Hylden, P.L. Shah, F.K. Tittel, T.A. Rabson, “A Generalized Theory of Two-Photon Fluorescence Measurement Including Fluctuations and Higher-Order Correlations,” (1972) [PDF]
[6] D. M. Kim, F. K. Tittel, T. A. Rabson, “Mode-Locking Characteristics of Substructured and Nonlinearly Broadened Picosecond Laser Pulses,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 602, (1972) [PDF]
[5] T. J. Hylden, D. M. Kim, T. A. Rabson, P. L. Shah, F. K. Tittel, “Effects of Fluctuations on Higher Order Correlation Measurements of Mode-Locked Laser Pulses,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 602-603, (1972) [PDF]
[4] T.K. Gaylord, T.A. Rabson, F.K. Tittel, “Optically Erasable and Rewritable Solid-State Holograms,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 20, 47-49 (1972) [PDF]
[3] J.P. Hohimer, R.C. Kelly, F.K. Tittel, “Frequency Stabilization of a High Power Argon Laser,” Applied Optics 11, 626-629 (1972) [PDF]
[2] T.A. Rabson, H.J. Ruiz, P.L. Shah, F.K. Tittel, “Efficient Second Harmonic Generation of Picosecond Laser Pulses,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 20, 282-284 (1972) [PDF]
[1] T.A. Rabson, H.J. Ruiz, P.L. Shah, F.K. Tittel, “Stimulated parametric fluorescence induced by picosecond pump pulses,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 21, 129-131 (1972) [PDF]
[3] F. Tittel, “Tunable Lasers,” Rice University Review Winter, 19-20 (1971) [PDF]
[2] C. Laurence, F.K. Tittel, “Prediction of the Tuning Characteristics of an Optical Parametric Oscillator using Parametric Fluorescence,” Opto-Electronics 3, 1-4 (1971) [PDF]
[1] F.K. Tittel, J. Klebba, F. Davidson, “Measurements of Photon Correlations in a Two Mode Laser Beam,” Applied Optics 10, 213-215 (1971) [PDF]
[1] F. Davidson, J. Klebba, C. Laurence, F.K. Tittel, “Measurements Of Photon Correlations Of Second Harmonic Generated Light,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 17, 117-120 (1970) [PDF]
[1] E. Sibert, F.K. Tittel, “Superfluorescence Limitations on the Inversion Process in Large-Aperture Laser Amplifiers,” J. of Appl. Phys. 40, 4434-4436 (1969) [PDF]
[1] F.K. Tittel, N. Kamel, “Radiation Effects in Glass Laser,” Interaction of Radiation with Solids, Plenum Press, 261-272 (1967) [PDF]
[1] J.P. Chernoch, F.K. Tittel, “Series Triggering of Xenon Flash Lamps,” The Review of Scientific Instruments 36, 392 (1965) [PDF]
[4] P.N. Witt, C.F. Reed, F.K. Tittel, “Laser Lesions and Spider Web Construction,” Nature 201, 150-152 (1964) [PDF]
[3] F.K. Tittel, “Spectral Characteristics for a Neodymium Laser Liquid Filter System,” The Review of Scientific Instruments 35, 522-524 (1964) [PDF]
[2] D.L. Stockman, W.R. Mallory, F.K. Tittel, “Stimulated Emission in Aromatic Organic Compounds,” Proc. of the IEEE 52, 318-319 (1964) [PDF]
[1] A.E. Blume and F.K. Tittel, “Thermal Effects in Laser Amplifiers and Oscillators,” Applied Optics 3, 527-530 (1964) [PDF]
[2] H. Hsu and F.K. Tittel, “Parametric Photon Interactions and
Their Applications,” Lasers and Applications (Ohio State University), 192 (1963) [PDF]
[1] H. Hsu, F. K. Tittel, “Optical Pumping of Microwave Masers”, Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 51, Pg 185-89 [PDF]
[1] J.H. Sanders, F.K. Tittel, J.F. Ward, “The magnetic moment of the proton II. The value in Bohr magnetons,” Proc. of the Royal Society 272, 103-118 (1963) [PDF]